Background & Aims: Spiritual health is considered an important aspect of people's health, which affects all aspects of people's behavior, so the purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between spiritual health and social obligations with the mediating role of individual identity. The necessity of the existence of spirituality in human beings is like the necessity of the existence of inhaling and exhaling for the body to be alive. Spirituality can be identified for all people in all societies and all over the world. Spirituality is one of the life-giving principles of human existence and has been accepted by many religions, cultures and traditions around the world. On the other hand, there are still opinions that consider spirituality to be internal from birth and in a static state, and that spirituality is acquired through life experiences. , will move the person forward.
Methods: The current research was descriptive in terms of the data collection method, which was carried out in the field. The statistical population of the current research includes heads, vice heads of units, heads of faculties, department heads, heads of affairs (administrative, financial, educational, student and research) in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in the academic year of 2019, and their number is 481. 214 people were selected by simple random sampling using Cochran's formula. The instrument of this research was a questionnaire. The entire process of research analysis was done using SPSS version 20 and PLS version 3 software.
Results: The results showed that there is a significant relationship between spiritual health and social obligations with the mediating role of individual identity in university professors. In order to investigate the relationships between research variables, structural equation method was used. Table number 1 shows the summary of the research model. According to the results of the research model, it was determined that according to the T-value of the relationships, it was determined that spiritual health has an impact on individual identity at the rate of 0.806. Also, the results of the research showed that personal identity has an impact on social obligations by 0.843. In order to check the fit of the research model, selected indicators were used. Table No. 3 shows the results related to the overall fit index of the model. Considering that the desired level of GOF index is higher than 0.36, it can be said that the level of this index in the research variables is in a favorable situation. According to the results related to the model fit index, it was found that the model The research has a good fit in all indicators.
Conclusion: According to the results of the research, it can be said that spiritual health plays an important role in promoting social obligations, so it is important to pay attention to increasing spiritual health. In order to fully understand the meaning of health, it is very important to know each aspect of health (1). Gudastat, Simpson, and Levanger (1987) described the dimensions of health with an extensive study review as follows: They defined physical health as the absence of disease and disability and proper physical and physiological functioning (2). Also, mental health was called psychological health, which includes emotions and a resource for rational capabilities and mental understanding. Also, social health is considered to be the ability to interact effectively with other people and the social environment, satisfaction with interpersonal relationships and role playing (3). They then call mental health or spiritual health as personal health and associate it with the concept of self-transcendence, which reflects the individual's value system and may be related to an opinion about a supernatural or natural phenomenon, or a practical law and religious source (4). Of course, some also add emotional health to these dimensions, although it is not included in the definition of the World Health Organization (5). Identity includes the relationships that people form as children, friends, partners, and parents. It also includes external characteristics over which the individual has little control. such as height, race, or socioeconomic class. Identity also includes political opinions, moral attitudes, and religious beliefs, all of which guide the choices a person makes on a daily basis (6). People who care too much about their affect, or who feel that a core aspect of themselves, such as their gender or sex role, is not being expressed, can become deeply conflicted with their identity. Reflecting on the discrepancy between who one is and who one wants to be can be a powerful catalyst for change (7). Social commitment indicates identification and emotional dependence of a person with society. This obligation implies the preference of collective benefit over individual benefit (commitment) and acceptance of the society's expectation to go beyond individual benefit (pressure) (8). Defining, demarcating and carefully examining concepts is one of the necessities of science. One of the important concepts in sociological literature, which suffers from conceptual poverty, is "social commitment". This is despite the fact that social obligation has an ancient meaning in human thought (9). The necessity of the existence of spirituality in human beings is like the necessity of the existence of inhaling and exhaling for the body to be alive. Spirituality can be identified for all people in all societies and all over the world. Spirituality is one of the life-giving principles of human existence and has been accepted by many religions, cultures and traditions all over the world. On the other hand, there are still opinions that consider spirituality to be internal from birth and in a static state, and that spirituality is acquired through life experiences will move the person forward (10). Spirituality is a way to experience a transcendent sense of connection to a force beyond oneself that both guides life and gives meaning to death (11). The lack of studies on the relationship between spiritual health and social obligations with the mediating role of individual identity among university professors has caused that nowadays the proper use of spiritual health is not seen much and considering the importance of spiritual health and personal identity issues, understanding the relationship It is important between the dimensions of spiritual health and social obligations with the mediating role of individual identity, so in this study we seek to answer the question whether there is a significant relationship between spiritual health and social obligations with the mediating role of individual identity.