Volume 30, Issue 6 (9-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(6): 364-372 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1402.186
Clinical trials code: 01

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Rezaei M H, Naeimi M, Hasnzadeh I. Investigating Factors Affecting Theft based on Social Health Damage (Case Study of Golestan Province). RJMS 2023; 30 (6) :364-372
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8137-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Azadshahr Branch, Azad Islamic University, Azadshahr, Iran , m.r.naeimi60@gmail.com
Abstract:   (323 Views)
Background & Aims: According to the approach that theft is an unforgivable crime at all times and in all countries, which in addition to disrupting the balance of society, also creates insecurity. The prevalence and continuity of this crime prompted researchers and researchers of social affairs to more precisely examine the issues related to this crime, such as the division and classification of types of theft and the analysis of the factors that cause the crime of theft. Therefore, in this research, considering the desired approach and the growth of the theft crime rate in recent years in Golestan province and the necessity of investigating the different causes of its occurrence and achieving strategies to manage and reduce the occurrence of this crime, efforts are made to identify all the factors that cause this crime. Another factor that causes the crime of theft in the society is the negligence, neglect, and ignoring of the warnings of the police forces by the people to protect and take care of their personal property. Unfortunately, the crime of theft, which sometimes leads to assault and murder, will have negative effects on the security of society, including it causes a feeling of personal and financial insecurity, it increases fear and anxiety in the minds, and dissatisfaction among the members of the society. It will also lead to a loss of confidence in the ability of the institutions that maintain order and security, such as the judiciary and the police. The occurrence of such crimes causes a wave of concern among people and officials. According to the contents that have been stated, it is necessary to deal with the desired category to find the roots and deal with it. The existence of economic, social, psychological, emotional, and sometimes cultural problems at simple to very complex levels has caused this crime to occur in society. When the social and economic justice is reduced in society, this crime with all its special complications will spread significantly and in a way, when there is a crime in society, it affects the duties and performance of all social organizations and institutions. Of course, the social damage of this crime has causes and factors that must be recognized and moved towards the elimination of favorable social contexts for people to be infected, so a scientific investigation of the nature and ways and factors of this criminal phenomenon in the society, which includes many factors Among them: social, family, economic factors, etc., and finding the best ways to control and prevent it is a vital matter. Besides, the researches conducted in this field are usually one-dimensional, and only a specific part of the causes of the crime of theft were investigated, but in this research, all indicators of economic and social factors that are influential in the occurrence of the crime of theft have been investigated. To be placed for this purpose, in this research, we are trying to sociologically explain the social and economic causes of theft in Golestan province, so that we can answer the following question: What are the effects of theft on social health in Golestan province?.
Methods: The current research method is descriptive and analytical. Also, since the results of this research can be used practically, it is an applied research case study. The statistical population in this research is the prisoners of the crime of theft in the prisons of Golestan province, which are 4000 people. According to Morgan's table and considering the willingness of prisoners to cooperate, a statistical sample of 384 people has been considered. The required information and data have been collected through a researcher-made questionnaire. For data analysis, SPSS 22 software and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, univariate regression, and multivariate regression were used.
Results: The results showed that all social and economic factors, including income, poverty, family, history of going to prison, group of friends, addiction, residence, employment, level of education, and the amount of previous punishment, which was examined in this research, They had a significant impact on committing the crime of theft or the occurrence of theft in Golestan province.
Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that theft has a negative effect on society's health and social and economic factors are important factors in the spread of theft. According to the results, it can be stated: crime is a social phenomenon that relatively exists in all societies and certain factors and conditions are effective in its occurrence. There is no doubt that the occurrence of crime in urban areas is increasing, and for this reason, the fear and apprehension of the people of society about being a victim of crime have also increased in parallel. The occurrence of crime has unpleasant consequences for both individuals and increases the feeling of mistrust, lack of security, and vulnerability in society. Of course, the consequences of crime are not only limited to the individual level but also have negative consequences at the social level. These negative consequences include the spread of fear, disruption of social order, creating of a sense of financial and life threats in society, increasing chaos in social relations and relationships, weakening the foundations of public order, and strengthening social disorder. Therefore, identifying and analyzing the effective factors in the emergence, formation, and promotion of this crime and finding ways to prevent it in societies is very necessary to increase the quality of life of citizens, because any deficiency in economic, social, family, and An individual causes pressure and dissatisfaction in people, and this pressure leads people to all kinds of deviations, especially economic deviations such as theft. These conditions affect people's lives and cause deviant behaviors to be institutionalized in them. Therefore, researches such as a sociological explanation of the causes of theft can help statesmen and those in power in planning, making policies, and determining social, economic, etc. policies for citizens.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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