Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-8 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1402.194
Clinical trials code: 01

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Valinia Pasha H, Zameni F, Enayati T. Presenting the Development Model of Higher Medical Education in the Process of Globalization. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-8
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8066-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Humanities, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran , f_zameni@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (469 Views)
Background & Aims: In recent years, the world has faced increasing reactions against all three dimensions of economic, political and social cultural globalization. In terms of educational quality, Iran ranks 71st among 167 countries in the world. Transforming the current education system into effective education is as important as it is dangerous. It is not possible to draw the characteristics of such an educational system by drawing a diagram or compiling an article, but it is necessary that a wide-scale social transformation and, in fact, a change in a society take place. Considering the huge changes brought about by entering the third millennium, educational systems should educate people who are able to live in the changing world of Moldo. Social transformations, fast-paced and challenging technologies, the development of new missions in organizations, have made the necessity of flexibility and readiness to face new conditions inevitable. What has been learned today as different generations of education and university are becoming widespread in education systems. Globalization as a macro phenomenon brings reactions in local communities, among which we can mention internationalization and localization. In the world of higher education and in dealing with the concepts of globalization, some experts and thinkers consider localization and internationalization as available reactions in dealing with the phenomenon of globalization. Although the use and application of each of these two concepts in the management system of higher education are different, they have the same function. This function is not in one direction, but as coordinated arms, they create tools and inputs for policy and planning matters in higher education. Today, socio-economic changes have affected education structures and emphasized the need to change educational content and structures. Many studies indicate that educational reforms are linked with economic and social changes at the international level. Nevertheless, the phenomenon of globalization has raised a new experimental challenge. Globalization calls for the need to reorganize the world of the labor market and the economy, and as a result, it has created an increasing need for new knowledge and information. Usually, knowledge and information are transferred to society members through national and local institutions, and considering that the global economy changes the nature of assumptions and educational institutions, the transformation of education systems requires everyone to accompany the development of the global economy. Thus, the aim of this study was to provide a model for the development of higher medical education in the process of globalization.
Methods: The research method was mixed, the statistical population in the qualitative section of experts, experts, specialists and key people in the topic of future research and development of higher education, in the sections of determining the final and strategic drivers, a group of experts and specialists related to the subject. And in the quantitative part, there were 3675 faculty members in the higher education centers of Mazandaran province in the academic year 1402-1401. In the qualitative sections, 15 experts were selected using the snowball sampling method, 20 experts were selected to determine the final drivers using the targeted method, 348 people were selected quantitatively using the relative class method, and 25 people were selected to determine the strategic drivers using the targeted method. The data were analyzed in qualitative parts through the method of content analysis with interviews, and quantitatively through structural equation modeling with a 115-item questionnaire.
Results: The results showed that the study model has twenty-six components describing economic, social, cultural, political, technological, educational and organizational development, and the results of the quantitative part showed that all the dimensions and components of the research model were approved.
Conclusion: In general, it can be said that in line with the globalization of universities of medical sciences, EID should pay attention to all factors affecting globalization in order to achieve the goals of the higher education system. Globalization is a multi-dimensional phenomenon that can be extended to various scientific, economic, political, social, religious, moral, legal, cultural and technological fields, and its forced results affect many valuable elements of societies. According to the final results, the model has twenty-six components as economic development (financial support, financial strategy and financial security), social development (social support, social capital and social trust), cultural development (international acculturation, global attitude, culture participatory and internal culture building), political development (domestic policy, laws and guidelines and international relations), technological development (updating technology, technological infrastructure and technical and technological education), educational development (dealing with foreign universities, independence universities, attracting foreign human capital and the quality of education and research) and organizational development (development of human resources, development of non-human resources, administrative-organizational development, strategic planning, managers' attitude and optimization) and the results of the quantitative part showed that all The dimensions and components of the research model were approved.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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