Research code: IR.IAU.TEHRAN.REC.1399.104
Ethics code: IR.IAU.TEHRAN.REC.1399.104
Clinical trials code: --

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The Covid-19 pandemic has had serious negative effects on the physical and mental health of people around the world (1). Such effects are related to internalizing (anxiety symptoms, depression, social withdrawal and physical complaints) and externalizing (conflict, aggression and violence/delinquency) psychological behaviors (2).

Having high levels of mental health is considered to be a necessity for effective confrontation with numerous stressors during life, especially in critical situations (4). Regarding the psychological consequences, Covid-19 interpreted as a collective traumatic event can cause symptoms related to post-traumatic stress disorder. Stressful reactions to future events suggest that Covid-19 is also a traumatic stressor that can lead to PTSD symptoms (5).

Among the important variables in passing through unfamiliar stressful situations are defense mechanisms. Mental health is related not only to the application of mature defense strategies, but also, most importantly, to the appropriate use of a variety of defenses based on circumstances. In support of this, previous research has shown a negative association between adaptive defense mechanisms and perceived distress, depression, and PTSD symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic (15).
Therefore, investigating the role of defense mechanisms as a reducing or additional effect on the effect of personality characteristics on the experience of traumatic events during the Covid-19 era, can enrich the clinical conceptualization of maladjustment problems and disorders caused by Covid-19 and provide more effective psychological treatments. follow Therefore, the researcher is trying to answer the question, what is the role of defense mechanisms in the relationship between personality traits and the experience of traumatic events during the pandemic in the employees of technology centers referring to psychiatric hospitals?
In terms of purpose, this study is applied, and in terms of data collection method (research design), it is considered a descriptive-correlational research. The statistical population of this study includes the employees of technology centers working in Tehran who had referred to psychiatric hospitals in Tehran to evaluate and measure public health, and 150 of them were selected as a sample. Then, the short 10-item questionnaires of the Personality Traits Questionnaire (TIPI) by Gusiling et al. (2003), the Defense Mechanisms Questionnaire (DSQ-40) and the Revised Event Impact Questionnaire by Weiss and Marmar (1997) (IES-R) between They were distributed and collected.

The results showed that extraversion has a significant and negative effect on the experience of traumatic events (path c in Figure 1); In addition, extraversion trait on developed defenses (path a3 in Figure 1; β = 0.421) and neurotic defenses (path a2 in Figure 1; β = -0.558) and underdeveloped defenses (path a1 in Figure 1; 0.4318 β =-) had a significant effect. By simultaneously entering the three defense styles into the model, developed and underdeveloped defenses played a statistically significant role in the relationship between extraversion and the experience of traumatic events, also, the direct effect was significant after controlling for mediators (path c ' in Figure 1; 0.233β =-)).
The results showed that conscientiousness has a significant and negative effect on the experience of traumatic events (path c in Figure 2); In addition, conscientiousness trait on developed defense (path a3 in Figure 2; β = 0.4187) and neurotic defenses (path a2 in Figure 2; β = - 0.3846) and underdeveloped defense (path a1 in Figure 2; 0.2909 β =-) had a significant effect. By simultaneously entering the three defense styles into the model, developed and underdeveloped defenses played a statistically significant role in the relationship between conscientiousness and the experience of traumatic events, also, the direct effect was significant after controlling for mediators (path c ' in Figure 2; 02330β =-)).
The results showed that agreeableness has a significant and negative effect on the experience of traumatic events (path c in Figure 3); In addition, trait agreeableness on developed defenses (path a3 in Figure 3; β = 0.383) and neurotic defenses (path a2 in Figure 3; β = -0.333) and underdeveloped defenses (path a1 in Figure 3; 0.438 β =-) had a significant effect. By simultaneously entering the three defense styles into the model, developed and underdeveloped defenses played a statistically significant role in the relationship between agreeableness and the experience of traumatic events, also, the direct effect was significant after controlling for mediators (path c ' in Figure 2; 0251β =-)).
The results showed that neuroticism has a significant and positive effect on the experience of traumatic events (path c in Figure 4); In addition, trait neuroticism on developed defenses (path a3 in Figure 4; β = -0.5148) and neurotic defenses (path a2 in Figure 4; β = 0.4311) and underdeveloped defenses (path a1 in Figure 4; 0.4181 β =) had a significant effect. By simultaneously entering the three defense styles into the model, developed and underdeveloped defenses played a statistically significant role in the relationship between neuroticism and the experience of traumatic events, also, the direct effect was significant after controlling for mediators (path c ' in Figure 2; 03317β =)).

The results showed that empiricism has a significant and negative effect on the experience of traumatic events (path c in Figure 3); In addition, the empiricism trait on developed defenses (path a3 in Figure 3; β = 03556) and noetic defenses (path a2 in Figure 3; β = -0.4294) and underdeveloped defenses (path a1 in Figure 3; 0.4379β =-) had a significant effect. By simultaneously entering the three defense styles into the model, developed and underdeveloped defenses played a statistically significant role in the relationship between empiricism and the experience of traumatic events, also, the direct effect was significant after controlling for mediators (path c ' in Figure 2; 02445β =-)).

The results showed that the personality trait of neuroticism has a positive and significant effect on the experience of traumatic events, both directly and indirectly. Similarly, other research has shown that individuals high in neuroticism tend to react to disappointment or loss with strong negative emotional reactions, report worse mental health after stressful events, and are more prone to The risk of post-traumatic symptoms is (12, 20).

The results also showed five protective pathways, which included agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, empiricism, and neuroticism, which interacted directly with defense mechanisms and only indirectly with event impact. Specifically, all five personality traits were associated with underdeveloped defense styles, which represent a risk factor for mental health (22). In addition, conscientiousness, agreeableness, extroversion, empiricism were positively related to developed defense. All five indirect pathways moderated the experience of traumatic events, consistent with evidence in the scientific literature regarding the positive association of neuroticism and conscientiousness with psychological well-being (23).

Extroversion, empiricism showed a significant relationship with the experience of traumatic events. These results can be an expression of the special situation related to Covid-19. Previous research has shown the association of extroversion and empiricism with higher levels of positive emotions and psychological well-being (23, 24).

Type of Study: Research | Subject: Psychiatry

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