Volume 29, Issue 11 (1-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 29(11): 393-400 | Back to browse issues page

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Akhgar M R, Nikravan M, shabani moghadam K, shahmansouri E. The Role of Managers' Awareness of Laws and Legal Programs Related to Athletes' Health. RJMS 2023; 29 (11) :393-400
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7897-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Management, Borujard Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujard, Iran , Nikravan89@yHOO.COM
Abstract:   (775 Views)
Background & Aims: Currently, sports is one of the effective educational and moral methods for the young generation and future-builder, whose scientific face is becoming more and more evident day by day. On the other hand, winning in international sports arenas is a useful tool for promoting national pride and international prestige, and for this purpose, every year, spending large amounts of money and human resources, for the advancement of sports and success in the arenas. To be looking at sports as a social necessity and need, and the health and vitality of the society depend on it, and you should try to promote it because it is one of the important social phenomena that is necessary for all ages. Inclination to sports will prevent the young generation from being spoiled and deviant and will eradicate issues and problems such as drug addiction and social anomalies. Sports activities and related environments have always faced various events and incidents for specific reasons. These incidents have started from the least important crimes such as insults and assaults and the most severe ones such as rape and murder. The lack of knowledge of the sports community about the legal consequences of violations and crimes in sports environments due to the lack of training and the absence of written collections that include the types of sports crimes and their punishments has always increased the quantitative and qualitative expansion of crimes. In recent decades, sports has become a big and popular industry in the world, and the legal issues related to it have become more complicated, and on the other hand, athletes generally believe that their illegal actions in sports activities; finally, it ends with disciplinary punishments, which are referred to by the disciplinary committees of sports boards or federations. The range of knowledge of professional sports managers about their responsibilities and knowledge of legal laws is usually not more than this. Knowledge of the set of legal rules and regulations of sports teaches the sports community how to participate in sports activities so that the resulting accidents do not make them aware of the legal responsibilities that ultimately lead to punishment, deprivation of social rights, and compensation and losses. Health-oriented laws should lead to the expansion of public welfare, the elimination of deprivation, and the implementation of justice. Health-related laws are firstly a sign of the genius of a nation, secondly, they are a model of natural laws. In history, nations that have succeeded in establishing the best laws for their society have had legislative and social genius. Knowing the legal rules and regulations of sports is one of the generalities of legal science, just as saving an injured athlete requires knowing first aid. Therefore, knowledge of legal laws is mandatory in the professional empowerment of managers to reduce accidents caused by sports operations. Considering the importance of knowledge of legal laws in reducing the occurrence of accidents caused by sports activities, the study aimed to investigate the role of knowledge of legal laws in empowering professional managers to reduce accidents caused by sports operations.
Methods: This study is a mixed type of research in which 25 people were targeted in the qualitative part of the research and the quantitative part with the cooperation of 210 sports administrative managers, sports club managers, coaches, sports teachers, referees, and sports journalists through 33 questionnaires. A researcher-made question was made in Central Province. Quantitative data were evaluated through SPSS software.
Results: In this evaluation, 132 codes were identified, among the identified codes, the lack of legal and disciplinary laws in the program of coaching and arbitration classes with a frequency of 19, the absence of a legal federation with a frequency of 18, and the lack of specialized knowledge of executive directors and staff managers with a frequency of 19. 15, the absence of a specialized court with specialized judges and the non-responsiveness of legal laws and disciplinary regulations with a frequency of 17 were among the most important codes identified.
Conclusion: In general, it can be said that knowledge of legal laws in empowering professional managers has a significant effect on reducing sports accidents in the province, therefore, knowledge of legal laws teaches the sports community how to participate in sports activities so that accidents resulting from them are punishable. It leads to deprivation of social rights and compensation for losses and doesn't pay attention to them. During the implementation of this research, some limitations can be taken into consideration by future researchers. This research was conducted in the area of the role of knowledge of legal laws in empowering professional managers to reduce accidents caused by sports operations, most of the respondents had minimal legal knowledge, and this made the researcher survey a larger number to access the results.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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