Volume 29, Issue 12 (3-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 29(12): 162-170 | Back to browse issues page

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Alizadeh Seyyedabadi M, Chirani E, Azadehdel M, Monsef Shebgo S M. The Commercialization of Medical Products in Knowledge-Based Companies. RJMS 2023; 29 (12) :162-170
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7890-en.html
Assistant Professor Department of Business Management, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran , chirani@iaurasht.ac.ir
Abstract:   (702 Views)
Background & Aims: Innovation, which is the result of the joint work of university and industry, is an initiative that improves the efficiency of innovation. This type of cooperation, i.e. collaborative innovation between university and industry, is called collaborative innovation. Collaborative innovation brings dynamism and vitality to companies and causes economic growth and expansion. (1). In fact, one of the important factors in innovation, and one of the important factors in economic growth and development, is the transfer of knowledge that takes place between universities and industry because this cooperation makes commercialization in companies easier (2).
On the other hand, one of the things that has always been very important in knowledge-based companies is the commercialization process. This process has three separate phases, the ideation phase, the technology/product development phase, and the commercialization phase. First, an idea that has a demand in the market is created and cultivated. In the development stage, this idea becomes a product or technology, and commercialization is technological knowledge that has entered the market (9).
In our beloved country of Iran, knowledge-based companies active in the field of medical products have succeeded in reaching self-sufficiency in the field of medical products to almost 40% in the past few years, but they have been very unsuccessful in the discussion of commercializing medical products for export to other countries. . Now, according to the capacity of our country, we can earn up to two billion dollars a year from the commercialization of these types of goods, which has a positive impact on the national economy. Therefore, the researcher seeks to solve these problems by presenting a model for commercialization. Therefore, the main research question is, what is the commercialization model of medical products for knowledge-based companies?
Methods: The current research is of an exploratory and expansion type, which was conducted using a qualitative method. The statistical population of this research is experts with practical experience in the field of commercialization of products of knowledge-based companies in the science and technology park of Mazandaran province, and professors of the University of Medical Sciences and management professors of management faculties of universities of Mazandaran province, who are aware of the subject of the research. 12 people were selected as samples from among them by snowball method until full saturation. Then a semi-structured interview was conducted to collect data from them.
Interviews were held one by one with each expert. After conducting the interviews (audio recording), the texts of the interviews recorded from the experts, on the same day of the interview, were transcribed word by word on paper and typed as research data. , was used. The research data are analyzed on two levels, the textual level and the conceptual level.
The textual level includes the coding of the data, the conceptual level emphasizes the construction of the research model including establishing a relationship between the codes based on the Strauss and Corbin model. Also, in order to ensure the validity of the model, the strategy of analysis and review by knowledgeable people (multi-view) has been used.
Results: To design the model using the foundation data method in the first step; Initial coding was done using the text of the interviews. In this step, one hundred and nine primary codes were extracted. In the second step; Axial coding was done. In this step, thirty-two axial codings were obtained from a total of one hundred and nine initial codes. In the third step; Selective coding Selective coding was done based on the results of open coding and axial coding in this step, which is the main step of theorizing. Thirteen codes were obtained.
Also, the validity of the research model was done by using the analysis and review method by knowledgeable people, in this method, to check the validity of the research model, all the data and primary extracted codes were sent to other experts who are familiar with the issue of commercialization of medical products in knowledge-based companies. They were informed and experts were given and they were asked to modify and approve the designed codes, and all the codes were approved, thus the validity of this research was proved. Also, the reliability of the research was checked with Kreppendorf's alpha method, and the agreement of five experts on the codes was equal to 89%. Considering that this amount is more than 60%, the reliability of the codings of this research is confirmed.
Conclusion: In this research, the causal conditions for the commercialization of medical products, four factors of human capital, technology, digital transformability of the company and environmental factors have been stated. (Shirvani, Tulai and Delavi, 2019 limited the causal conditions to digital technology. Considering these factors by the companies residing in the science and technology park, they can take into account all the effective factors in creating a successful business for their products and Don't just focus on technology.
The strategies of this research have been identified in three dimensions; Financial strategies, market orientation and attracting cooperation of the University of Medical Sciences. Every business unit needs capital in order to set up and start its activity, and in order to develop and continue its activity, it needs new investment, which must be provided through financial resources (24). Access to financial resources is one of the important factors in the success of companies and one of the important concerns of companies at different stages of their life (25). Market orientation can be defined as a stage of organizational growth or as a level that reflects organizational maturity (26). Kotler has looked at market orientation as the final stage of the development of a business organization and believes that the market orientation is created along the development of different business orientations. Market orientation is based on marketing thinking and marketing thinking forms its philosophical foundation. (26). However, marketing thinking as a foundation and philosophical foundation is not enough. Because market orientation focuses not only on customers, but also on competitors, different organizational issues and many external factors that affect the needs and preferences of customers.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Community Medicine

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