Volume 29, Issue 12 (3-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 29(12): 110-120 | Back to browse issues page

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Maham Arekhi B, Razavi H, Amir Khani A H. Providing a Qualitative Model of Employee Behavior Adaptation with Emphasis on the Internet of Things. RJMS 2023; 29 (12) :110-120
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7843-en.html
Assistant professor Department of Management , university of Shomal,Amol,Mazandaran,Iran , hr.razavi1@gmail.com
Abstract:   (861 Views)
Background & Aims: According to the learning approach, adaptation is a set of learned behaviors, and incompatibility occurs when a person has not learned the necessary skills to cope with daily life problems. At the same time, there is no perfect compatibility, but optimal compatibility probably occurs when there is a reasonable agreement between what a person thinks about himself and what others think about him. Therefore, it can be said that behavioral compatibility with new processes or new ways of doing work and tasks that result from using the Internet of Things in the organization is a fundamental issue in today's organizations (13). In other words, successfully dealing with new phenomena is called adaptation. Creating a logical connection between the new ways of doing things and tasks, which can be called processes modified by the Internet of Things, with the behavior of employees and how they deal with these processes is of great importance and is considered one of the important issues of the organization a problem caused by technological changes in the organization's environment (14). One of the companies providing services to people and citizens is the Electricity Distribution Company. In recent years, this company has been able to update many internal processes through the use of administrative automation, and subscribers do not need to visit in person to solve their problems or follow up on their requests. The use of the Internet of Things in the electricity distribution company is one of the new topics in the organization, which has improved the quality of providing services to subscribers both in terms of the speed of service delivery and the access of all people to services at any place and time (15). But the point that should be checked and evaluated is how the employees of this company deal with these changes. The behavioral adaptation of the employees of the electricity distribution company with the new way of providing services to the subscribers and also the changes made in the duties of the employees are among the issues that have arisen due to these changes. During the past few years, the managers of the Mazandaran and Golestan Regional Electric Company have made many changes within the company and also want to make extensive changes in the coming years, so it is important and necessary for the company managers to know that the employees are facing the changes that are going to be made. How will they react? The critical issue for company managers is to see these behavior patterns so that they can implement a system that fits these behavior patterns for employees to adapt to changes in their organization and deal with each behavior pattern accordingly. Therefore, if organizations want to survive, continue to live, improve, develop, and increase effectiveness, they must be sensitive to the different behaviors of employees and show appropriate reactions. Therefore, the current research seeks to answer the following central question: What is the pattern of adaptation of employees' behavior with an emphasis on the Internet of Things?
Methods: In this research, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods has been done. The statistical population of the qualitative research includes organizational experts. These people included university professors (scientific experts) and senior managers, assistants, middle managers, and senior experts of the specialized mother company of Tavanir (practical experts) who had expertise (scientific experts) and sufficient experience (practical experts) in the field of research. Their opinions were used during Delphi and AHP hierarchical analysis. Criteria for selecting experts: People who have a master's degree or higher in the fields of human resource management or organizational behavior are included in this list. Also, have work experience in the management department of the electricity company (Tavanir specialized mother company) for 5 years or work experience for 10 years in the electricity company (Tavanir specialized mother company). Also, university professors in related fields as scientific experts are on this list. The time frame of data collection and implementation of the interview technique was carried out in the winter of 1400 and for one month. In the quantitative part of the questionnaire, the pairwise comparison of the dimensions and indicators of the model was provided to the statistical community, which included senior managers, assistant managers, middle managers, and senior experts in the field of human resources in the specialized mother company of Tavanir. To determine the sample in this section, the purposeful, non-probability sampling method was used until reaching theoretical saturation. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview (Delphi questionnaire) and a researcher-made quantitative questionnaire. Data analysis was done using the Delphi technique, structural equation method with the help of SMART PLS software, and AHP hierarchical analysis method.
Results: The results show that the proposed model of employee behavior adaptation consists of 5 main dimensions, including attitude toward behavior, subjective norms, usage experience, cognitive processes, and behavioral motivation. In the hierarchical analysis section, the results show that the dimension of behavioral inspiration with a weight of 1.563 ranks first, and the dimension of mental norms with a weight of 0.602 ranks next in terms of importance in adapting the behavior of employees in the fourth industrial revolution with an emphasis on the Internet. Objects are located.
Conclusion: In general, according to the results of the study, it can be said that the technology factor played an important role in the behavioral adaptation of the employees, therefore, the acceptance of technology and the behavioral adaptation of the employees with its, technological capabilities are needed in the field of improving the conditions of performing tasks for Describe the staff. The limitations of the research are those factors that create obstacles in the way of collecting information, analyzing, and obtaining desirable results. Limitations are inherent in any research. This research is not exempted from this principle and limitations include the problems of determining the index and converting qualitative categories into quantitative values such as attitude to behavior and the involvement of factors such as boredom, stress, lack of time and lack of sufficient knowledge of the respondents causing inaccuracy of people in Answering questions has had. Considering that behavioral motivation was recognized as the most important dimension of the behavioral adaptation model of the employees, it is suggested to improve the behavioral adaptation of the employees, to identify the expectations of the employees from the changes made, and to fulfill them or provide a logical justification for it. To accept the technology and adapt the behavior of the employees to it, it is suggested to explain the capabilities of the technology in the field of improving the working conditions for the employees.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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