Volume 30, Issue 5 (8-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(5): 237-275 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1400.141
Clinical trials code: 01

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Ahangar Darabi M, Khatir Pasha K, Yousefi Saeed Abadi R. Explaining the Role of Academic Growth Centers in Mazandaran Province in Order to Develop Academic Research with an Entrepreneurial Approach. RJMS 2023; 30 (5) :237-275
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7817-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran , Kiu.pasha@gmail.com
Abstract:   (744 Views)
Background & Aims: The use of incubators or growth centers is nowadays considered one of the accepted tools for transforming creativity and scientific and research achievements into products that can be presented to the market and developing entrepreneurship, so more than three thousand centers There is growth all over the world, most of them are based in America and Japan. In fact, incubators are an optimal combination of knowledge-based companies and institutions that are managed by professionals, and their main goal is to increase wealth in society by promoting a culture of innovation and competitiveness among young entrepreneurs. Researchers and university graduates. University incubators (growth centers) due to their high ability to discover and identify opportunities have provided conditions to create different companies and prepare the ground for discovering and recognizing these opportunities. Knowledge-based companies located in these centers are leading in discovering opportunities by relying on the self-confidence and self-efficacy of the organization's people. These types of centers were created in order to commercialize technical knowledge, technology, and intellectual property and were created through the research activities of universities. Currently, universities, as the most important sector of knowledge production and supply, are facing the challenge of better responding to the needs and expectations of society. Therefore, they should make a lot of efforts to transfer and apply knowledge and use it in the economic, social, and industrial sectors, which is interpreted as the commercialization of research. And commercialization is the process of transferring and transforming the knowledge produced in research centers into various commercial activities. On the other hand, academic entrepreneurship refers to the commercialization of academic research by university researchers through the establishment of new businesses. Since the nature of entrepreneurship in the fields of humanities is more than service entrepreneurship, it requires its own research. The fact that many ideas of researchers in various fields are left unused on the shelves of libraries and that the energy of these people is wasted on creating knowledge that cannot be properly used in practice, and this shortcoming causes students and researchers to despair about creating knowledge and In some cases, the science goes beyond the borders of the country; Considering the above, this research seeks to answer this problem while using the existing theoretical foundations and the research conducted in the form of a causal model. It examines the influencing factors of academic incubators on the development of research projects in the universities of Mazandaran province and aims to determine whether academic incubators have a role in the development of academic research with an entrepreneurial approach in the universities of Mazandaran province.
Methods: The purpose of this research is practical, which was conducted with a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative) with an exploratory design, which was approved by the Code of Ethics Commission of Islamic Azad University with code IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1400.141. The statistical population of the qualitative part of specialists, experts, and experts in the field of academic entrepreneurship in Mazandaran was 25 people, and based on the saturation law, 15 people were determined and selected as a statistical sample. In the quantitative part, 246 people were selected from among all the employees of the companies active in the growth centers in the universities of Mazandaran province, 681 people based on the Cochran formula. To collect data in the qualitative part, a semi-structured interview was used, and in the quantitative part, a questionnaire made by a researcher of university incubators and the development of university research with the entrepreneurial approach of Shahrabi (2018) was used.
Results: The results showed that the relationships between the impact of the role of university incubators on the development of university research with an entrepreneurial approach in the universities of Mazandaran province were confirmed and there is a significant correlation between all the variables.
Conclusion: In general, it can be said that the university management group should pay special attention to academic growth centers so that these centers, due to their special scientific facilities and proximity to industrial and commercial centers, as a supporting and facilitating institutions for start-up companies and growth Facilitate and accelerate knowledge-based small and medium enterprises. Considering that academic incubators are one of the influential factors in the formation of innovative ideas in the university and turning them into a useful and profitable business, in this way, by closing the gap between the university and the industry, in reducing unemployment, Especially the unemployment of the educated youth of the country can play an effective role, therefore it is suggested that the capital needed by start-up businesses be provided by universities and economic development organizations so that from this point of view they can develop and create businesses according to the available financial support. In most of the prominent universities of the world, academic incubators have been established to expand new technologies in the field of commercialization of academic research. Therefore, to achieve this, students should be familiar with the principles of new technologies in the direction of branding and marketability of academic research and products in a basic, theoretical, and operational manner and with the help of inculcating innovation and creativity. Similarly, a systemic, comprehensive, and all-round view including scientific-professional and management-staff subsystems and the key role-players of each subsystem and also based on the basic features of education, research, study, and promotion of academic centers in Universities should take place.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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