Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-12 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 00124
Ethics code: IR.IAU.KHUISF.REC.1400.207
Clinical trials code: 00121

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Golmohammadi I, Nazari R, Rahimi G. Assessing the Health Status and Social Vitality of the Society with the Popularization of Karate in Iran. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-12
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7728-en.html
Associate Professor of Sports Management, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Isfahan (Khorasgan) branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran , nazarirasool@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (765 Views)
Background & Aims: Health is a phenomenon that brings with it a high degree of physical, mental and social well-being. Social thinkers and theorists have paid attention to the category of health, especially social health, as an important issue, and people are constantly seeking to present a clear and appropriate image. From a historical perspective, the right to be healthy is one of the oldest rights of the citizens of any society, which has been given importance in the constitutions of most countries of the world. Considering that the World Health Organization, in addition to the accessible health standards Considering the physical dimensions as well as other psychological and social dimensions, this issue has caused social health to be taken care of. Social health means coordination and interaction between each individual and other members of society and the environment in which people live (1). Health Social plays an important role in ensuring the dynamism and efficiency of every society, and it is considered one of the axes of evaluating the health of different societies; Therefore, the goal of all societies is to provide conditions to maintain and improve the health of their members (7). The feeling of joy and vitality is considered one of the most essential natural desires and psychological needs of humans, and due to its major effects on the health and improvement of society, it has been occupying people's minds for a long time; So that nowadays many nations are somehow trying to create a healthy and cheerful society; Because it seems that the feeling of happiness, on the one hand, prepares people for a better life and more productivity, and on the other hand, due to its contagious nature, it expands the individual's relationships with his own social environment (8). Today, karate is considered one of the most proud and medal-winning sports in the country, one of the most important Asian and global fields. It seems that the results of this research can provide the information needed to popularize this sport. Now, the researcher seeks to answer the question, how is the health and social vitality of the society evaluated with the popularization of karate in Iran?
Methods: The current research, following the pragmatist paradigm, using a quantitative and qualitative combined approach in a strategic study, seeks to provide an assessment of the situation and strategic action in the development of the health and social vitality of the society with the universalization of the sport of karate in Iran. This research is included in the spectrum of applied research. In this research, 100 people from the president, vice president and secretary of the provincial karate board as well as experts and specialists were selected as the statistical sample of the research in a purposeful and snowball way. Also, the participants of the research, which are considered as the research strategic council, include 9 participants who were selected purposefully, and the criteria for their selection is to have nobility in the central phenomenon of research and nobility in strategic issues, as well as having the condition of being a faculty member or management related to research. has been present To collect information, first, a questionnaire containing 4 open questions was used, and the statistical sample of the research presented their opinions about the aforementioned factors in order to identify internal and external factors; Then the presented factors were summarized and in the form of a closed questionnaire with a 4-point Likert spectrum (strongly agree (4), agree (3), disagree (2), strongly disagree (1)) in two parts; Individual information (gender, education level, age, history related to the research) and the main questions were completed by the statistical sample of the research. The main research questions were designed in two parts: internal factors and external factors. Internal factors have 35 questions, which is the basis for evaluating the internal environment, including organizational resources, including human, financial, material, informational, and technological resources, along with the organizational structure and culture, which places the respondents' status, internal factors in two spectrums of strength and weakness. . Also, in the other part of the external factors, there are 23 questions that are the basis of evaluating the political, economic, geographical, social, technological, legal and environmental factors influencing the universalization of the sport of karate in Iran in line with the development of health and vitality. There are two spectrums of opportunities and threats. The form and content validity of the researcher-made questionnaire obtained from the opinions of the statistical sample of the research in terms of writing, relevance and adequacy of the questions to cover the research objectives were evaluated, modified and confirmed by the participants of the research, and also the reliability of the present questionnaire was also used using the open test method 0.94 was evaluated and approved. In the process of data analysis, using the matrix of internal-external factors, the situation of health and social vitality of society with the popularization of karate in Iran has been evaluated and interpreted.
Results: After compiling the evaluation matrix of internal factors and evaluation of external factors, the matrix of internal-external factors is drawn according to figure (1) and as it is known, the development of health and social vitality of society with the universalization of karate in Iran is in the position of maintaining and developing services. has taken.
Conclusion: Managers and policy makers should adopt the appropriate strategy and decisions based on the predetermined goals and in accordance with them, so that the development of the universalization of the sport of karate is realized and it leads to an increase in the participation of the society, and by increasing the participation of the public and using its rich functions, to improve the quality of life and increase the physical and mental health of the people of the society.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Educational Health

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