Volume 30, Issue 2 (4-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(2): 145-158 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: IR.IAU.CTB.REC.1401.035
Ethics code: IR.IAU.CTB.REC.1401.035
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Mousavian S J, Kheiri B, Aligholi M. Analyzing the Human Psychological Components towards Life (The role of Guilt and Shame). RJMS 2023; 30 (2) :145-158
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7645-en.html
Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , bahramkheiri@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1006 Views)

Background & Aims: Compared to the past, the competition in today's markets is wider and more diverse, and many companies are trying to provide the conditions for their growth and development by developing appropriate competitive strategies. One of these strategies is paying more attention to customers' feelings. (1). Also, in today's competitive market, the most important issue of shopping centers is the different tastes of customers, which is considered one of the important discussions of organizations. Despite the known information about shopping centers, these centers usually have the same products and goods. For example, many shopping centers have placed places as entertainment, reception and conversation centers for friends and customers. Also, some other shopping centers attract customers by placing a variety of products in shop windows and decorating them. In order to bring the best shopping experience to customers, shopping malls must offer unique and different products and services to customers compared to other stores. (2). Nowadays, the good location of shopping centers does not guarantee the success of these centers anymore. The lack of differentiation in providing goods and services to customers is currently a problem in these centers. Shopping centers often offer similar goods and services to customers. However, some of them have added a wide range of amenities to their stores to gain the satisfaction and loyalty of their customers. (3). Today, customer satisfaction is a key factor for the success of organizations. Researchers state that satisfaction is related to the evaluation of products and services and purchase values. These researchers have stated that the evaluation of products in terms of hedonic values leads to a positive effect and the feeling of positive consumption leads to the customer's intention to buy again. (4); Considering that hedonic shopping values affect the mental perceptions and perceptions of customers. (5) Also, due to the reopening of large shopping centers in Iran and stores that offer all the goods needed by the customer in one place, this issue arises that hedonic and materialistic shopping values, according to the different tastes of customers, To what extent can it lead to the intention to repurchase the customers of these shopping centers? Therefore, in this research, based on the background of previous researches and the conceptual model, the effect of hedonism on consumer guilt and consumer shame, the effect of diversification on consumer guilt and consumer shame, the effect of materialism on consumer's feelings Let's examine consumer guilt and consumer shame, consumer guilt and consumer shame on repurchase intention. In the world of shopping and consumption, impulse buying has a lot to do with inappropriate individual behavior and preferences, the negative consequences of which include personal and financial issues, post-purchase satisfaction, social reactions, and above all, individual self-esteem, but sometimes impulse buying is a behavior. It is considered normal and even with positive consequences. Instant shopping is a complex but enjoyable phenomenon. Because a person does not care about the consequences of his actions in the future. Of course, it should be mentioned that just having the feeling of buying a gift does not necessarily lead to action, but various variables can affect the relationship between buying a gift and action. This behavior is an experience, but an experience that happens very quickly. Instant buying can be likened to stealing goods rather than choosing goods, and from an individual point of view, it is more unconscious than conscious. In fact, buyers who experience impulse purchases do not give in to any stimulus or demand. There are various factors that may inform the consumer of his need and at the same time inform him what will be the result of the immediate purchase and the feeling related to it. Factors such as financial situation, time, way of looking at issues and social status and maybe even immediate purchase can be effective in creating the need and evaluating it and speed of purchase. (6) Psychologists believe that people's desire for instant purchases is different and can occur with different notions of hedonism, diversification and materialism. (7,8) Also, shopping for pleasure is always more personal and internal than value based on utility and is often the result of play and entertainment. (9) Consumers can fantasize about owning a product. Also, they may feel arousal after a pleasurable shopping experience. In this case, hedonic shopping consumes emotions such as happiness, jealousy, fear, passion, and pleasure, and these emotions and feelings are phenomena related to motivation and stimuli. (10) In addition, Hirschman and Holbrook state that emotional arousal can be the main motivation of consumers in some product categories such as books, food, games and sportswear and can lead to pleasurable purchases. Just as pleasure-seeking buyers have different motivations, these consumers also have different expectations from their purchases. Babin, Darden, and Griffin state that shopping means more than just having a product, and retailers must focus on the more pleasurable aspects of shopping in order to be successful; Because the pleasant experience of customers plays an important role in gaining a competitive advantage. Despite the fact that retailers try to differentiate themselves from competitors by providing a pleasant experience for the customer; However, limited studies have been done in the academic space on reasons and hedonic motives in the activity of consumer buying activities. (11)
Methods: The present study examines the effect of pleasure on consumer guilt and shame, the effect of diversify on consumer guilt and shame, the effect of materialism on consumer guilt and shame, as well as consumer guilt and shame on repurchase intention. The current research is applied in terms of its purpose and is considered a survey in terms of the method of data collection. A questionnaire was used to collect information. For this purpose, among 384 customers of shopping malls in Tehran, the hypotheses were tested by stratified random method according to the volume of distribution and through structural equation modeling. The items are taken from the research of Babin et al. (1994); Lee et al. (2009); Richins and Dawson (1992); Dedeoğlu and Kazançoğlu (2012), Maclnnis and Patrick (2006) and Diallo (2012) were localized with the opinion of professors and experts. To check the validity of the content of the questionnaire, 12 copies of the questionnaire were given to the professors of business administration and the content validity ratio (CVR) was calculated for each of the items, and the value obtained was acceptable for all the items of the questionnaire.
Results: According to the research findings, pleasure, diversify and materialism have a positive effect on consumers' feelings of guilt and shame. Also, pleasure, diversify and materialism are effective on repurchase intention. On the other hand, consumer guilt and shame have a negative effect on repurchase intention.
Conclusion: Considering that the effect of pleasure, diversify and materialism on guilt and shame was confirmed, shopping center managers should try to take measures to manage and reduce the guilt and shame of consumers after shopping, so that they can buy again in the goods. Purchased, because if these centers do not pay psychological attention to consumers, they may lose a significant part of their buyers. Because considering the importance of post-purchase disonance of consumers such as feelings of guilt and shame in repeat purchases, companies should be aware of the importance of post-purchase anomalies in consumers at all stages of service provision and provide solutions. Because training programs and trainings with products will work more consciously.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Biotechnology

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