Volume 11, Issue 43 (12-2004)                   RJMS 2004, 11(43): 789-795 | Back to browse issues page

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Talebi Taher M, Akbari M, Rezaee M, Ashaerii N, Omrani Z, Ghaderian H, et al . Determination of Anti-HBS Titre Mean Induced by Hepatitis B Vaccine among Health Care Workers in Firoozgar Hospital in Tehran. RJMS 2004; 11 (43) :789-795
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-75-en.html
Abstract:   (9759 Views)
Hepatitis B virus(HBV) is a major cause of viral hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer worldwide and it is estimated to cause one million death worldwide annually. This virus is the second hazardous carcinogen in the world after smoking. According to WHO report 37% of the people in the world are infected by HBV. Healthcare workers(HCWs) are one of the high risk groups in affecting and transmission of Hepatitis B(HB) and also there is high probability of HBV transmission from HCWs to general population. The best way of preventing hepatitis B is three-dose vaccination schedule. Thus, we decided to determine Anti-HBs titer among HCWs in Firoozgar Hospital in Tehran. In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 102 HCWs of Firoozgar Hospital including faculty members, residents, interns, students, nurses and clerks were selected and enrolled through convenience sampling. All participants had to complete three-dose vaccination schedule. After blood sampling the samples were transferred to Firoozgar Hospital labarotary. Checklist was consisted of age, sex, marriage status, occupational group, history of smoking and alcohol abuse, chronic renal and hepatic failure, diabetes, marriage age and duration after the last dose of vaccine. Statistical analysis was done with SPSS 11.5 software. Some statistical tests such as t, Chi2, Levene’s KS, one way ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient were also used. Frequency, mean, SD and SEM indexes were applied to report statistical information. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Multiple linear regression model was used to predict effecting factors on Anti-HBs titer. 102 Anti-HBs titers of HCWs were determined and the mean was 70.43(95% CL, 57.02-83.84). Also, Anti-HBs titers of 30 individuals(29.4%) were less than 10 mIU/ml and 72 individuals(70.6%) were equal or more than 10mIU/ml. There was a significant statistical correlation between Anti-HBs titer and age and duration after the last dose of vaccine(P<0.05). The permanent response time to HB vaccine is not clearly definite. Following-up for complete three-dose injection, vaccination before or at the onset of working in this centers and effecting factors influencing response to HB vaccine should be attended. HCWs who are one of the high risk groups in affecting and transmission of HBV, are recommended to determine their Anti-HBs titer after three-dose vaccination.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Infectious Disease

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