Volume 29, Issue 5 (8-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(5): 100-107 | Back to browse issues page

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Zargar T, Rynne S. The Effect of Social Responsibility on the Psychological Preparation of People to Participate in Activities Related to Sports and Health. RJMS 2022; 29 (5) :100-107
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7452-en.html
Assistant Professor of Sports Management, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University of South Tehran, Iran , zargar_ta@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (988 Views)
Background & Aims: Physical activity and participation in sports activities is an integral part of life and every human being turns to sports participation according to their specific characteristics and abilities. The decrease in physical activity and activities in daily life, which is caused by the development and expansion of facilities and amenities and new ways of life, makes the need for sports and physical education more and more urgent. Therefore, continuous and regular physical activity in this regard seems necessary. In this regard, one of the factors that can pave the way for participation in sports activities is social responsibility. Evidence suggests that people who are socially responsible for physical education and sports activities are more likely to participate in sports activities. One of the most important ways to pay attention to physical education activities is to raise awareness and social responsibility of individuals. Awareness of people's social responsibility is related to proper planning and progress of physical education and helps officials and planners to pay the necessary attention based on attitudes and social responsibility in appropriate departments. The growth and development of any society and country depend on the efficient and desirable performance of organizations and institutions and consequently the efficient and desirable performance of people working in these organizations. When there is interdependence and interrelationship between individuals and different elements of an organization, responsible organizational behavior, responsibility, ethical commitment, and organizational behavior are realized, which paves the way for short-term and long-term goals. Many organizations today are accused of failing to meet their responsibilities for the results of their activities. Food, clothing, housing, work, lifestyle, government, education, health, recreation, and even the religion of the people are influenced by the decisions and actions of these organizations. In general, organizational liability experts believe that large corporations with high profits are morally obligated to allocate some of their revenue to the community, employees, and global problems. Social responsibility is generally defined as a set of activities that individuals in a social organization voluntarily perform as effective and useful members of society and the organization. Today, the issue of social responsibility is not just a prominent topic of research; It is presented in the form of a collective mission and value declarations. In this decade, social responsibility has emerged in the form of expanding the field of study, formerly called urban education and citizenship. This new concept is much broader. Despite many problems and doubts in practice, the ability to pay attention to organizational social responsibility has intensified in recent decades. Globalization has led to the expansion of the complexity of the functions of dominated companies in less developed countries. Organizational social responsibility is the need for voluntary organizational commitment to the issues that society expects from individuals. A person fulfills his social responsibility when he fulfills his legal, economic, moral, and altruistic responsibilities; that is, to act with the least responsibility that the law has required of him. Intrapersonal, family, and social factors affect participation in activities related to health and sports, and increasing psychological preparation has a positive effect on participation in activities related to health and sports. Therefore, the purpose of studying the effect of social responsibility on the psychological preparation of people to participate in activities related to sports and health.
Methods: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and correlational in terms of descriptive method. The statistical population of the study consists of all employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth and its number was announced as 420 people after inquiring about recruitment. The sample size was 123 people were selected through the random sampling method through the Krejcie Morgan table. In this study, two standard questionnaires were used, which are as follows. To collect data, the psychological questionnaire of Sonnens et al. (2010) and the Ahmadi Social Responsibility Questionnaire (2009) were used. Pearson correlation and linear regression statistical methods were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between social responsibility subscales on psychological preparation (p = 0.001).
Conclusion: In general, considering the positive relationship between social responsibility and the psychological preparation of people to participate in activities related to health and sports, officials must teach social responsibility to people to participate in activities related to health and sports. To use. The social skills of officials have all their effect on whether or not people are involved in sports activities through psychological preparation. In general, the evidence shows that cognitive engagement in complex and difficult tasks that require skill resources such as having the skills to have the mental fitness and health that these skills are trained more than in other environments. And it will get the opinion of officials who have these skills themselves. The behavior of officials and their level of social responsibility can lead to increased psychological preparation in individuals. Explaining the relationship between social commitment and acceptance of the consequences of behavior with the psychological preparation of people, it can be said that people who have high social commitment and acceptance of the consequences of behavior, more ability, and growth of their health and personal identity are safe in them. To; As a result, people who perceive high psychological control and self-esteem will be more involved in the conflict factor dimension, which emphasizes personalization and constructive participation, and will participate more in sports activities. It can also be said that the presence of officials in social skills creates a positive attitude towards sports activities and more psychological preparation in people; Because the officials who encourage and educate the people, bring up responsible people who act according to their creativity and desires to do sports activities or any activity. The limitations of this research should be stated that since the research has been conducted on all employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth, care should be taken in extending the results to other samples. Due to the low research background, it is suggested that researchers in future research examine the relationship between research variables in other samples. Also, descriptive research is of correlation type, so it is suggested to use other research methods such as qualitative and experimental methods.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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