Volume 29, Issue 7 (10-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(7): 107-116 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: مقاله مستخرج از رساله دكتري است
Ethics code: IR.IAU.MSHD.REC.1400.076
Clinical trials code: 0

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Hasannia F, Akbari Amarghan H, Samari A A, Ormaz E. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Imago Therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Couple Therapy on Marital Boredom, Failure Tolerance and Positive Feelings towards the Spouse in Couples. RJMS 2022; 29 (7) :107-116
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7361-en.html
Department of Educational Sciences and Counseling, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran, & Department of Psychology, Quchan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Quchan, Iran , drakbari54@yahoo.co
Abstract:   (2416 Views)
Background & Aims: Identifying the factors affecting the foundation of the family, such as marital boredom, failure, negative feelings towards the spouse, etc., and examining prevention and elimination strategies, is of undeniable importance. Marital boredom is a painful state of physical, emotional, and psychological exhaustion that affects those who expect their abundant love to give meaning and meaning to life and its quality. These people find out that they have experienced marital boredom when, despite all their efforts, their relationships have not given them a meaningful life (2). Failure is another factor that can shake the foundation of the family as the most important element of society. Failure is one of the most important human characteristics that is related to tolerating failure and refers to the amount of stress that a person can endure before his behavior becomes integrated and disrupted (4). On the other hand, one of the factors that play an important role in the health and well-being of the family is a positive feeling towards the spouse and married life. Establishing a proper relationship with the spouse, saying words and sentences at the right time is one of the main factors affecting the formation of positive emotions of the couple, durability and life satisfaction (6).
One of the ways to prevent and eliminate the destructive factors of family foundation is couple therapy methods including cognitive-behavioral couple therapy and imagotherapy. Cognitive-behavioral couple therapy uses cognitive and behavioral strategies and life skills training to try out the obvious behavior and interaction of couples by changing their thoughts, expectations, interpretations and ways of responding to them. Change (7). In addition to cognitive reconstruction, this approach also uses a variety of behavioral interventions to strengthen couples' coping skills (8). In addition, various studies have shown the effectiveness of these therapies on the relationship between couples, but the results are contradictory. Given the above, the identification of factors affecting the foundation of the family, including marital boredom, failure, negative feelings towards the spouse and the study of prevention and elimination strategies, including various methods of couple therapy, the importance of undeniable to The purpose is to preserve the sacred foundation of the family in Iran. Therefore, in this study, the effectiveness of imagotherapy and cognitive and behavioral couple therapy on marital boredom, failure tolerance and positive feelings towards the spouse in couples are compared.
Methods: In order to conduct the present quasi-experimental research, which was conducted with pre-test and post-test design, among couples with marital conflicts who referred to family court, dispute resolution councils and counseling centers in Mashhad in 1399, 30 couples as The volunteers participated in the study as a statistical sample and were randomly divided into three groups: imagotherapy, cognitive-behavioral couple therapy and control. Subjects first retracted the Pynes (2004) Marital Boredom Questionnaire, Harrington Failure Tolerance Questionnaire (2005), and Positive Feeling of Spouse's New York State University Couple Clinic (1975). Then, the subjects of the experimental groups received 10 sessions and each session received 90 minutes of intervention. Finally, all subjects completed the questionnaires again. It should be noted that the conditions for entering the research included 3 to 10 years of marriage, having a minimum diploma, having an age of 30 to 45 years and no history of divorce, and exclusion criteria included being absent for more than one session and canceling further cooperation. At the end of the intervention sessions, all subjects completed the questionnaires again. Finally, descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation), Shapirovilk test to examine the natural distribution of data, multivariate analysis of covariance and Bonferroni post hoc test were used for statistical analysis of data using SPSS software version 24.
Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the groups of cognitive-behavioral couple therapy, imagotherapy and control in at least one of the variables of marital boredom, failure tolerance or positive feeling towards the spouse (F = 76.31, P = 0.001). On the other hand, it was found that there is a statistically significant difference between the intervention methods in all three variables of marital boredom (CB), failure tolerance (FT) and positive feeling towards the spouse (PF). The results of Bonferroni post hoc test showed that both cognitive-behavioral couple therapy and immagotherapy compared to the control group significantly reduced marital boredom, increased failure tolerance and increased positive feelings towards the spouse in couples with marital conflicts. Also, imagotherapy couple therapy was more effective in reducing marital boredom, increasing failure tolerance and increasing positive feelings towards the spouse in the couple in comparison with cognitive-behavioral couple therapy.
Conclusion: The findings of the present study are consistent with some of the results of De Klerk (2001) research that receiving immunotherapy has been able to increase couples' satisfaction and satisfaction (17). Also, the results of the present study are part of the findings of the study by Westerman et al. (2008) who found that cognitive-behavioral couple therapy improves marital satisfaction, reduces psychological distress symptoms and husband boredom with spouse and increases the overall functioning of the relationship. Gives, confirms (18). In addition, the findings of the present study, with part of the results of Martin and Bailowski (2011) research that found that Imago-based couple therapy method, increased conversations between spouses, increased self-understanding and understanding of spouses, understanding of Has increased childhood and spouses as well as increased self-confidence, is consistent (19). Also, the findings of the present study, with some of the results of Jang (2015) research that received image therapy on marital relationships, marital intimacy, marital relationships, communication skills to resolve marital conflicts, mutual respect, gender role, sexual satisfaction, Couples' time together and decision making have a significant positive effect, it is consistent (10). Also, the results of the present study are consistent with some of the findings of Karimi and Khalatbari study (2017) who found that cognitive-behavioral couple therapy has a significant effect on marital boredom and its components, marital satisfaction and marital intimacy (23). In addition, the findings of the present study confirm some of the results of the research of Shakralahzadeh et al. (2017) who found that cognitive-behavioral skills training has an effect on marital conflicts and marital apathy (24).

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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