Research code: 1574827214819401399178180
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1400.129
Clinical trials code: 0
Alikhani M, shoaa kazemi M, Khalatbari J. Predicting the Effect of the Parent-Child Relationship on Behavioral Disorders Due to Happiness in Adolescents. RJMS 2022; 29 (7) :43-53
Associate Professor, Department of woman and Family studies, Faculty of social sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract: (1325 Views)
Background & Aims: Adolescence is one of the most important periods of life. In this period, physiological and psychological changes cause profound changes in the individual. Simultaneously, these changes cause disturbance of mental and physical balance. Adolescents in this period are experiencing rapid physical growth. He is emotionally immature, limited in experience, and culturally fragile and vulnerable. Some teens have difficulty coping with their emotions, which can lead to more emotional distress and more behavioral problems. Behavioral disorders are one of the major childhood and adolescent problems that can be referred to by a mental health professional. Behavioral problems of children and adolescents are considered as abnormal behaviors that, while not appropriate for age, are severe, chronic, and persistent. Research shows that disorders in some components of family quality of life such as family coldness, negative parent-child relationships are associated with child and adolescent behavioral problems. The role of parenting in the development of children's behavioral problems has been shown in many studies. Behavioral problems include a wide range of persistently different behaviors, such as: disruption and disorder in daily activities, aggression, and physical or verbal aggression, inability to concentrate and pay attention to the use of experiences, distraction or distraction, refusal to participate in learning activities, destructive behavior, strange and unusual behavior. The parent-child relationship involves a combination of behaviors, feelings, and unique expectations that exist between parents and their children and play an important role in children becoming vulnerable or resilient. Research examining the parent-child relationship has shown that children with warm and supportive parents are more likely to have consequences for positive peers, including greater peer acceptance and reciprocal friendships. Parent-child relationships play an important role in vulnerability. Children become or become flexible. This relationship is broadly influenced by the characteristics of adolescents. Characteristics that, along with the characteristics of parents, family, environment, predict adolescent development. In the meantime, parenting is also important. One of the ways to eliminate or reduce behavioral problems is to correct the parenting style of parents, especially the parent-child relationship. Establishing effective communication will correct children's problems at home and school, and incorrect relationships will increase children's behavioral problems. Changes that begin in early adolescence change adolescents' perceptions and feelings about themselves and their relationships with others, including parents. High levels of parent-child conflict with a variety of negative social consequences, including: aggression toward peers, decreased social competence, and conflict It is linked in the deviant peer group. Proper parent-child relationships are associated with good outcomes for the child, including low levels of anxiety, high self-esteem depression, low incidence of substance abuse, and behavioral problems. Happiness, vitality is one of the most important psychological needs of human beings that has a major impact on the formation of personality and psyche. Happiness is one of the variables that has been considered in the field of health psychology in recent years. Parenting style and quality of parent-child relationship have a significant effect on self-esteem, happiness, and well-being. But you showed that close emotional relationships with parents affect life satisfaction and happiness of children and adolescents. Happiness requires a level of social skills this skill is more common in girls. Parenting style and the quality of the parent-child relationship have a significant effect on the self-esteem, happiness, and well-being of individuals. Happiness and vitality are also one of the most important human psychological needs that have a major impact on the formation of personality and mental health. The mental health of students, who are the builders of the future of society, is one of the pillars of mental health in society, so it is necessary to pay more attention to the mental and physical health of this large group and basic steps to prevent and treat mental illness and behavioral disorders from childhood and adolescence. It begins and extends to the next stages of life. Therefore, the identification and treatment of behavioral disorders in children and adolescents is very important. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of the parent-child relationship on behavioral disorders mediated by happiness in adolescents aged 12 to 15 years.
Methods: The present study is a descriptive survey. The statistical population of adolescents 12 to 15 years old who were studying in girls 'and boys' schools in the first year of high school in Tehran, the sample size is 629 people, of which 320 are girls and 309 are boys. By completing the Mark Fine parent-child relationship questionnaire, Kwai and Patterson behavioral disorders, and Oxford happiness, and within 2 months, the data were collected and collected. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to investigate the relationships between subscales and mediating variables. Relationships were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Analyzes were performed using SPSS.26 and Amos.24 software.
Results: The obtained data were analyzed. Based on the results, the significance level coefficient is 0.001 and the standardized coefficient is -0.10 and the non-standardized coefficient is -1.26. The explained variance of behavioral disorders based on the parent-child relationship, happiness is equal to R2 = 0.38.
Conclusion: Happiness is one of the most important human psychological needs that has a major impact on the formation of personality and psyche. According to research, the happiness of parents, especially mothers has a significant impact on creating a sense of security and life satisfaction in children, Based on the present study, the prediction of adolescent behavioral disorders based on the parent-child relationship with the mediating role of happiness was shown to have a favorable fit and improve the relationship. Parent-child can reduce behavioral disorders by increasing happiness. Happy parents can also pass on happiness to others, their children, and reduce their behavioral problems. According to theoretical views, happiness means repeatedly experiencing pleasant emotions, relative lack of unpleasant feelings, and a general feeling of satisfaction with life, so if children show behavioral problems, if parents have characteristics of happiness, they can better adapt to the problem and find a way to solve problems and problems. If parents have the characteristics of happiness, they can better adapt to the problem, and as a result, not only does it reduce the severity of the problem, but it also improves it. Parents 'happiness is negatively related to emotional problems, anxiety, physical, hyperactivity, coping behavior, and students' behavior problems, and parents have fewer behavioral problems with their children's greater happiness. Intimacy and empathy between family members are some of the most important pillars of dynamism and vitality. It is the family and makes the family not lose the necessary strength and power in the face of problems.
Type of Study:
Research |
Clinical Psychiatry