Volume 28, Issue 12 (3-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 28(12): 319-336 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: IR.ARUMS.REC.1400.084
Ethics code: IR.ARUMS.REC.1400.084
Clinical trials code: IR.ARUMS.REC.1400.084

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Tamjid M, Mahmoudi F, Abdolmaleki A. New Drug Delivery Systems for the Treatment of Neurological Diseases. RJMS 2022; 28 (12) :319-336
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7250-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Bioinformatics, Faculty of Advanced Technologies, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Namin, Iran , abdolmalekiarash1364@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2161 Views)
The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord, which is the center of information processing and is the most vital part of the human body. Central nervous system disorders include a wide range of neurological diseases with short-term and long-term disabilities. Currently, treatments for central nervous system disorders include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, gene therapy, immunotherapy, and surgery, which have their advantages and limitations. Nanomedicine-based approaches offer a new treatment for central nervous system disorders. A variety of potential drugs have been discovered to treat several neurological disorders. However, their therapeutic success rate is limited despite the blood-brain barrier. Neurological diseases due to the presence of blood-brain barrier and blood-spinal barrier become a challenge for treatment. Indeed, drug delivery to the brain for the treatment of neurological disorders remains an important challenge. Among all biological barriers, the blood-brain barrier is a strong barrier to drug delivery to the brain. This barrier is a semi-permeable barrier against harmful chemicals as well as harmful substances in the bloodstream and is involved in regulating the entry of nutrients into the brain for its proper functioning. The blood-brain barrier is made up of astrocytes, endothelial cells, neurons, and the basement membrane. Drug design at the nanoscale has been extensively studied and is by far the most advanced technology in the field of nanoparticles. Due to the potential benefits of nanoparticles such as the possibility of changing properties such as solubility, drug release properties, diffusion, bioavailability and immunization, the use of these particles can lead to improved and developed appropriate prescription pathways, less toxicity and increased drug life cycle.
Drug delivery systems based on nanoscience and nanomedicine are relatively new and evolving. In this method, nanoscale materials are used as diagnostic tools or to deliver therapeutic agents to controlled locations in a controlled manner. Nanotechnology helps to treat chronic human diseases by sending accurate and targeted drugs. A number of drug delivery systems recently had successful results; however, there are still specific challenges that need to be addressed to equip these systems with advanced technology for successful drug delivery to target areas. Drugs with very low solubility have many problems, including limited bioavailability, lower diffusion capacity in the outer membrane, larger intravenous injections, and side effects. All of these limitations can be overcome by using nanotechnology methods in the drug delivery mechanism. Nanomaterials deliver drugs in two ways: indirectly and by themselves. In the first case, the drugs are mainly located in the internal hydrophobic cavity, and when the nanomaterials reach their desired location, due to the low content of drugs trapped in the hydrophobic environment, the desired amount of drug is released. In the latter case, however, the drugs intended for release are combined directly with the carrier nanomaterials for easy delivery. In this method, the release time is very important because the drug may not reach the desired location and separate from the carrier, thus reducing its activity and effectiveness.
Theranostic has been proposed as one of the newest approaches in nano that the operation of identification, treatment and tracking is done after simultaneous treatment. Therefore, tranostics can be considered as a suitable treatment strategy for personal medicine, pharmacogenomics and molecular imaging in order to find a way to develop new therapies and to use better molecular understanding to select more effective drugs. Finally, researchers believe that tranostics can monitor response to therapies and increase the safety and efficacy of the drug, prevent inappropriate treatment of patients, and ultimately reduce costs significantly.
Types of nanoparticles are involved in drug delivery to the central nervous system. There are countless biopolymer materials used in drug delivery systems. Polymer nanoparticles are made of biodegradable polymers as pharmaceutical carriers. In recent years, due to the high ability to release the drug gently, the possibility of loading large amounts of drugs and preventing the destruction of the drug has attracted much attention. In this system, drugs are either trapped or attached by covalent bonding to a polymer matrix. In addition, polymer nanoparticles are used to improve the surface quality, which can increase the efficiency of drug adsorption. Nanoliposomes are nanostructures that result from the self-assembly of lipid molecules in aqueous solution. Phospholipid lipid-friendly molecules come together in such a way that the head of their friend's water faces outwards and the tail of their water escapes inwards, forming a bilayer spherical membrane. This type of orientation makes it possible to load hydrophilic drugs in the nucleus, and hydrophobic drugs in the liposome shell. Dendrimers are spherical three-dimensional structures whose surface is easily activated by a controlled method. Drug loading in dendrimers occurs through simple confinement mechanisms, electrostatic interaction, and covalent bonding. Despite the use of polymers in drug delivery systems, dendrimers easily cross biological barriers due to their properties such as limited polydispersity and nanometer dimensions. Dendrimers can carry molecules by receptors on their surface or encapsulate them in cavities between branches. Solid lipid nanoparticles are colloidal structures that can be prepared by emulsification and reduced to submicrometers using mechanical forces. The average size of solid lipid nanoparticles is between 40 and 1000 nm. These structures have the ability to carry drugs and active substances in their lipid fraction, thus protecting the substance from environmental damage. As a result, this range of nanoparticles can be used to transport drugs and prolong their effectiveness.
The use of nanotechnology to increase drug delivery to the brain by crossing the blood-brain barrier without eliminating it can be promising in the treatment of neurological diseases. Producing nanoscale structures for the treatment of CNS diseases is a challenging task. In designing a nanoscale drug delivery system, the necessary conditions for adaptation to brain tissue such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, drug release biology, precise pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, maximum therapeutic effects and minimum side effects must be considered. Recent advances in molecular cell biology and the effective development of new medical technologies demonstrate a fundamental understanding of CNS barriers, in particular the blood-brain barrier, which is one of the innate protective structures of the human brain against internal and external molecules, especially drugs. According to this study, nanotechnology-based drugs protect the nervous system and prevent the increase in the severity of diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, MS, HD and other neurological diseases.
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Type of Study: review article | Subject: Human Physiology

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