Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Nazari R, Kahrazaei F, Sanagoy Moharer G. The Relationship between Some Psychological and Personality Traits with Violence Leading to Murder. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-11
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7237-en.html
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Zahedan, Iran , farhad_kahraz@ped.usb.ac.ir
Abstract:   (911 Views)
Background & Aims: Researchers believe that murder is considered as a form of violence or aggression and as one of the social harms and crimes. This crime or perversion has a social nature and occurs mostly in interpersonal and intergroup interactions that endanger the social security of individuals and groups. In the theoretical and abstract field, the phenomenon of murder can be studied from different angles and dimensions of biological, psychological and sociological (3).
Various factors have been mentioned in explaining the factors leading to violence. Personality traits may be one of the most important variables associated with violence. One of the most widely used personality patterns in psychological research is the five-factor personality pattern. The five-factor pattern of personality is the predominant characteristics of individuals in each of the components: neuroticism, extraversion, agreement, conscientiousness, and longing for new experiences (8).
Another view is the theory of self-control. Much research has been done on the theory of self-control. Such as: the relationship between parents and relatives and low self-control with violence (9), the relationship between self-control with personality traits and impulsivity (10), the study of domestic violence and adolescents: with the mediating role of self-control, support Social, Religiosity and Welfare (11), The effect of self-control training on re-arrest and the relationship between high-risk behaviors and self-control (12).
Another theory that explains violence is the theory of self-esteem. Low self-esteem leads to the formation of a subculture of violence because conventional sources of self-esteem are not available and therefore aggression is taken as an alternative source (13).
Dangerous beliefs can be mentioned as other influential factors in the occurrence of violence and murder. Dangerous beliefs refer to the belief in values ​​that emphasize the realization of the right personally and the achievement of goals and problem solving through the use of physical force. Elias (2013), in a study showed that there is a relationship between violent behavior and culture and in some societies there are very positive attitudes towards violent behavior (14). In view of the above, careful study and scientific research on risk factors and the spread of violence leading to murder in the city of Iranshahr seems necessary.
Methods: The present research is descriptive-survey and applied. For the present study, he selected 40 available men from Iranshahr prison due to violence and murder. Then the Performance Assessment Questionnaire (FAD) has six components of problem solving, communication, maps, emotional companionship, emotional intercourse, behavior control and overall performance, Perceived Social Support Questionnaire (MSPSS) with 3 components of social support by family, support Socially received by friends and social support received by others and the Socio-Economic Status Questionnaire of Power (2013) with 4 components of income, economic class, education and housing status were distributed and collected among the subjects. Finally, descriptive statistics, Kalmogorov-Smirnov test and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results of data analysis showed that there is a negative and significant relationship between personality trait, agreement and conscientiousness with violence and its components, with violence and its components, ie with the rise of a variable, the variable It also increases, but there is no significant relationship between psychosis, introversion-extroversion, and the desire for new experiences with violence and its components other than anger.
Another finding of the present study showed that there is a significant relationship between self-esteem and violence and its components (physical violence, verbal violence, anger and hostility).
Finally, in the present study, it was found between self-control and its components (impulse impulse impulse, physical versus mental, simple task performance, selfishness, nervousness, memory seeking) with violence and its components (physical violence). Verbal violence, hostility and hostility (on the one hand) and dangerous beliefs have a significant relationship with violence and its components on the other hand.
Conclusion: Explaining the role of adaptive personality traits in reducing aggression, it can be said that agreeability is one of the five major personality factors that is considered as the most important predictor of aggression. This factor indicates the type of relationship one has with oneself and others. The person who agrees is basically altruistic, feels empathy for others and is eager to help them, and believes that others have the same relationship with him. They also have fewer interpersonal conflicts and better mental health (8).
Another finding showed that there is a significant negative relationship between self-esteem and violence and its components. In this regard, Tracy and Robbins (2003) also state that individuals protect themselves from feelings of inferiority and shame by blaming external factors for their failures that lead to feelings of hostility and anger towards others. Thus, in people with low self-esteem, aggression is valued as a reaction to past bad experiences or as a compensation for self-esteem (26).
Another finding showed that there is a significant positive relationship between risky beliefs and violence. Everyone can change the course of their life with the beliefs they have in their treasury. Beliefs about individuals and the world are both important features of a person's basic hypotheses (27). Man is a social being and living in society, in his mind and psyche forms a set of beliefs and thoughts that when any behavior occurs, he tries to establish harmony and homogeneity with his mental beliefs and external behaviors. Habit and habit are the two main factors in human behavior. Custom sets a set of accepted beliefs about the approval of each individual in that community through practice and repetition in the subconscious to harmonize with the custom of the community and because any kind of inconsistency or opposition to social custom leads to punishment and rejection in the community. Over time, the customary beliefs of society are institutionalized in individuals. One of the dangerous beliefs in traditional societies, especially in Balochistan, is the strong emphasis on categories such as revenge and violence, which have come in the form of many proverbs and epic stories in popular literature. And it seems that this literature has had a great impact on the collective subconscious of individuals and is manifested in the form of violence and murder in society and is referred to as revenge, zeal, courage and masculinity, and more dangerously, a positive and Most of the society approves of such violent behaviors (15).
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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