Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.M.REC.1400.021
Clinical trials code: 01
Zandi A, Bagherpoor T, Nemati N. The effect of a resistance training course with spirulina supplementation and glutamine supplementation on gene expression (MoyD) in the long extensor muscle of male mice. RJMS 2022; 28 (12) :309-318
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Damghan Branch, Damghan, Iran ,
Abstract: (1391 Views)
Background and Aim: Increasing the intensity of physical activity and consequently increasing oxidative stress causes the formation of free radicals in the body and these free radicals cause the destruction of biological cell structures such as proteins, fats, membranes and hereditary structures. Considering that taking supplements can be a good way to control the effects of strenuous physical activity; therefore, it is important to study the mechanism of action of complementary compounds of organic and non-organic (industrial) origin and compare their effects and performance at the biochemical and genetic level. In this regard, the study of the expression of genes related to the inhibition of oxidative stress can be a direct and appropriate solution to evaluate the function of various supplements. Satellite cells below the basal laminal layer of skeletal muscle are located exactly adjacent to myofibrillar sarcolemma and make up 2 to 7% of the nuclei of a muscle fiber. The number of satellite cells depends on the type of muscle fiber, age, and species. The amount of these cells varies at different ages; In infant, adult, and older mice, they make up 30, 4, and 2 percent of the muscle nuclei, respectively, and as they age, the decrease in satellite cells increases the muscle nuclei of glycolytic fibers. Proximity to capillaries, muscle nuclei, and neuromuscular junctions is associated with increased satellite cell density; Therefore, their amount in oxidative fibers is 5 to 6 times higher compared to glycolytic fibers. These adult muscle-specific germ cells are normally dormant and activate and enter the cell cycle in response to induced stress, such as induced mechanical load or muscle damage. The next generation of activated satellite cells are called myogenic precursor cells (mpc), which repair the damaged muscle fibers or hypertrophy after several rounds of cell division and before merging with existing myofibrils or forming new myofibrils, respectively. The ability of satellite cells to migrate and move depends on the integrity and integrity of the cell's basement membrane. After rupture (severe destruction) of the basement membrane due to muscle damage, satellite cells migrate to adjacent damaged myofibrils using tissue connections, but if the tissue damage is limited and rupture of the basal lamina has not occurred. Satellite cells move to the affected area from the beginning of the healthy myofibril section (below the membrane) to participate in the repair of muscle tissue. With the activation of satellite cells (six hours after muscle injury) the expression of MyoD gene increases rapidly, therefore this transcription factor in adult skeletal muscle is activated by markers and proliferation of satellite cells. The amount of MyoD transcription factor mRNA varies at different ages and is higher in rapid-twitch muscles. In animal models, the amount of MyoD gene protein is lower in the rapid and slow-twitch muscles of older rats. This value is lowest in the soleus muscle and therefore the response of the MyoD gene of the soleus muscle (slow-twitch muscle) is also lower than that of the extensor digitorum longus muscle (rapid-twitch muscle). With this description, the aim of this study was to compare the effects of organic and inorganic supplementation on myoD gene expression in twitch muscle after a high-intensity resistance activity to determine whether organic and inorganic supplementation on myoD gene expression.
Method: In this experimental study, 40 Wistar rats with an average weight of 100-200 g were prepared and in the control groups (number = 10), exercise (number = 10), Spirulina + exercise (number = 10), glutamine + exercise (number = 10) were divided. Mice in the exercise group performed a two-week exercise program of 3 days per week of walking on a sloping surface (4 sets, 5 repetitions, 30 seconds rest between repetitions), and the supplement + exercise group performed a supplement program five days before the main protocol. They consumed half a gram/kg of body weight once a day. The obtained data were evaluated by One Way ANOVA.
Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the relative expression of MyoD gene in the study groups (P> 0.001). Also, the results of Tukey post hoc test showed that this difference between training and exercise + spirulina group (P> 0.001) and also training and exercise + glutamine group was significant (P> 0.001). While there was no significant difference between the two groups of exercise+ spirulina and exercise+ glutamine (P= 0.055).
Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that taking organic supplements is a good way to prevent reduced expression and the amount of damage to muscle fibers after high-intensity resistance exercise. The mean variables of MyoD gene expression in soleus muscle tissue (slow-twitch) of adult male Wistar rats were different after taking an organic spirulina supplement and performing a session of intense resistance activity, so that this difference indicates the effect of taking an organic spirulina supplement on alteration and reduction of MyoD gene expression in soleus muscle tissue. The mean variables of MyoD gene expression in extensor digitorum longus muscle tissue (rapid-twitch) of adult male Wistar rats after taking Spirulina organic supplement and performing a session of intense resistance activity were different, so that this difference indicates the effect of taking organic supplement. Finally, one session of intense resistance activity increased the expression of MyoD gene in slow-twitch muscles more than rapid-twitch muscles. These results may be due to more potential damage to the slow-twitch fibers than the rapid-twitch fibers, or it may indicate a response to the development of adaptations related to the performance of resistance exercises in such fibers. In addition, taking an organic spirulina supplement increased the expression of the MyoD gene, so that taking a five-day course of this supplement increased the expression of this gene in rapid-twitch muscles more than slow-twitch muscles. The important point is that in the group of spirulina organic supplementation, before performing a session of intense resistance activity, the expression of MyoD gene is lower than the case of intense resistance activity without supplementation. Therefore, it is recommended that with high resistance activity, appropriate supplements such as organic spirulina supplementation be used to reduce the expression of MyoD gene, which is likely to increase due to damage to muscle fibers. In particular, it has had better and more favorable effects in slow-twitch muscle fibers that have shown a greater increase in MyoD gene expression after intense resistance activity.
Type of Study:
Research |
Exercise Physiology