Volume 30, Issue 1 (3-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(1): 222-233 | Back to browse issues page

Ethics code: IR.IAU.SRB.REC.1401.281
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Zayerzadeh E, Jafari F, Zabihi R, Zahrakar K. Relationship between Strength-based Leisure time and Work-Family Conflict Mediated by Psychological Resilience of Female Nurses. RJMS 2023; 30 (1) :222-233
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7206-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , forugh_jafary@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (836 Views)
Background & Aims: The role of work in the dynamics of human life is undeniable and can be considered the center of human and social communication. To this end, women, as half of the population, undoubtedly have a direct impact on the sustainable development of society. Women have long been responsible for life and work alongside men, because the goal of any society Maximizing social welfare. To date, research on the impact of non-work domains on job outcomes has focused primarily on family-work interaction. Work-family conflict is considered as one of the most important issues in the world of work. The relationship between family characteristics and what happens in the workplace is quite understandable, but the role of leisure and recreation in work-related issues is less considered. In the functionalist view, leisure has functioned at the micro and macro levels. The choice of individuals to spend leisure time is one of the freest choices, but it is influenced by the social, economic, and cultural conditions of society, as well as by the psychological characteristics of the individual. Paying attention to leisure time has also been considered in the field of positive psychology, and in particular, selective leisure activities and is based on the personality abilities of individuals are important. The positive impact of competencies in life and leisure support mental health, which includes not only mental illness, but also the optimal functioning and prosperity of human beings. In fact, leisure enrichment based on the empowerment-oriented approach has been widely considered. Competency-based leisure is basically the way in which individuals select activities based on the therapist's abilities recognized and evaluated by the therapist and incorporate them into their daily routine. Another positive psychological construct that can affect the management of work-family conflict is resilience. Resilience is not just passive resistance to injury or threatening conditions, but the resilient person is an active participant and builder of his environment. Resilience is a person's ability to strike a biological-psychological-spiritual balance in the face of risky situations: a kind of self-healing that has positive emotional, emotional, and cognitive consequences. According to Bandura, resilient individuals behave through four processes: cognitive, emotional, motivational, and selective. Does the present study examine whether investing in leisure based on personality traits can reduce work-family conflict, and is this possible through resilience? Also, the question arises as to which of the leisure personality traits is most effective in reducing work-related conflicts?
Methods: The method of this research is descriptive-correlational research based on the structural equation modeling method. The statistical population of this study was all women working in hospitals in District 2 of Tehran. The sample size is equal to 200 nurses in this area. Cluster random sampling method was used to select the sample. First, three hospitals were randomly selected from all hospitals in Region 2 and the required number was randomly selected based on the required sample size. The research collection tool includes the following: Work-Family Conflict Questionnaire: An eighteen-item multidimensional questionnaire for measuring work-family conflict was used by Carlson et al. (2000) to assess the severity of the work-family conflict. This scale assesses the six dimensions of work-family conflict. The range of answers from option one (strongly disagree) to five (strongly agree) is arranged using the Likert scale. Empowerment-oriented leisure questionnaire to measure empowerment-oriented leisure, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. This questionnaire is designed based on the 24-item questionnaire of Secretary Patterson and Seligman (2004) and according to the theoretical foundations of leisure and secretary competencies. Connor & Davidson Resilience Questionnaire: This questionnaire was prepared by Connor and Davidson (2003) by reviewing the research resources of 1991-1999 in the field of resilience. The questionnaire consists of 25 items that are scored on a 5-point scale between zero (completely incorrect) to five (always correct). The data of this study were analyzed using path analysis modeling using LISREL software.
Results: The collected data showed that leisure based on wisdom and excellence increases resilience and by increasing it can reduce work-family conflict. Competencies based on wisdom and excellence have not been able to have a direct effect on work-family conflict, but rather this effect is indirectly due to resilience. At the same time, leisure-based on humanity, courage, and spiritual capital has no significant effect on work-family resilience and conflict.
Conclusion: This study aimed to design a relationship model between empowerment-oriented leisure and work-family conflict mediated by resilience. The statistical population included nurses of Tehran Region 2 hospitals. The collected data showed that leisure based on wisdom and excellence increases resilience and by increasing it can reduce work-family conflict. Competencies based on wisdom and excellence have not been able to have a direct effect on work-family conflict, but rather this effect is indirectly due to resilience. Today, recreational therapy, as one of the methods used to target recreational programs, seeks to increase the quality of performance in leisure and, consequently, increase the quality of life. Also, in recent studies in the field of leisure and also in the field of psychology, this variable has been considered as a variable affecting other activities and areas of life. The results of many studies confirm the effect of personal life components on work life. Leisure, as one of the important aspects of personal life, can affect people's working conditions by influencing life satisfaction and physical and mental health. Leisure time can act as a source of renewal, and choosing targeted activities for it can affect other aspects of a person's life. In addition, leisure time should play an effective role in satisfying the latent psychological needs of human beings and is one of the effective areas in increasing the power of adaptation and resilient behaviors. Therefore, leisure activities can promote resilient behaviors in any aspect of life. With the increase in positive emotions that a person experiences to make a satisfactory choice of leisure time, the ratio of positivity increases, and although the source of stress may not be eliminated or even reduced in some way, nevertheless job stress. And work-family conflicts are reduced and the individual will enjoy higher emotional and psychological well-being. Many studies now conceptualize leisure satisfaction as a specific indicator of mental well-being that can be explored by focusing on leisure assessments and emotional responses to leisure. As the research findings show, leisure-based on micro-ability and excellence with a positive effect on resilience, have been able to reduce the level of work-family conflict. Personality abilities affect the way a person thinks and choices from any situation. In general, the virtues of wisdom and transcendence have a significant relationship with the orientation of a pleasant life. Wisdom is a kind of intellectual ability with features related to creative and critical thinking that includes the acquisition and application of knowledge, and naturally, any kind of knowledge acquisition can help to achieve a good life. Transcendence facilitates one's connection with the infinite world and thus gives meaning to one's life. Another part of the results of this study shows that resilience has been able to reduce the level of work-family conflict. Resilience is more important in jobs that face unpredictable situations and empowers the individual to meet unexpected expectations. Finally, it is suggested that due to the importance of leisure time on job characteristics, organizations to take advantage of this area to promote the occupational health of their employees, and help their employees to adapt their leisure activities to their personality to be more exploited. Have positive consequences.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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