Volume 29, Issue 2 (4-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(2): 1-9 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.TMU.REC.1399.582
Clinical trials code: 01

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Azarnoush B, Nikaeen Z, Ashraf Ganjouei F, Haji Anzahaei Z. The Effect of Leisure Time Based on Planned Behavior on Students' Tendency to Physical Activity. RJMS 2022; 29 (2) :1-9
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7093-en.html
Department of Sports Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , Dr.zenatnikaeen@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2033 Views)
Background & Aims: Nowadays, engaging in sports activities has become widespread in all societies and the number of people who engage in all kinds of sports as a competitive sport or as a recreational sport (leisure) is increasing every day. Optimal leisure time plays an important role in educating the community and prevents individual, social, economic, and cultural problems. Leisure is an activity through which members of society, regardless of the constraints of the environment and the requirements of life, develop their talents and develop their personalities. How to spend leisure time is a reflection of the social, economic, and cultural conditions of any society that the optimal use of this time can have a significant impact on improving the quality of social and economic life of society. Physical activity in leisure time is one of the things that make leisure time enjoyable and useful and has a tremendous effect on the physical and mental health of human beings and can have a great contribution in filling leisure time and positive social, economic and Have someone with you. Sport has a special place in the division of leisure time and is in the line of recreation and includes the active production of leisure experience in which the participants have some control over the work process. Leisure physical activities are sports and recreational activities that are performed for the purpose of pleasure, competition, building social relationships, and gaining physical fitness in leisure. Low participation in physical activity causes physical problems such as for overweight and obesity among children, adolescents, and young people, which is a major concern. Studies have shown that with age, physical activity decreases. Since attitude affects behavior and has a cause-and-effect relationship with behavior, the study of attitude to motor and sports activities is the source of conscious behavior to achieve well-being and well-being goals and is very important. Undoubtedly, building a healthy and vibrant society depends on the mental and physical health of the members of the society and owes to the efforts of healthy, efficient, and thoughtful human resources. The results of various researches indicate that people with different perspectives and attitudes engage in sports activities. At the same time, the theory of planned behavior is one of the well-known models of behavior change and In fact, it can be said that the planned behavior model can change the behavior and attitude of people, especially students, towards sports activities. The main purpose of programs and sports activities at the level of schools and educational institutions, while filling part of students' leisure time, helping to grow and develop their moral, psychological, physical, championship and cultural aspects of education in parallel It is another science and technology, so that the future creators of the country can make their progress and excellence and that of society possible. Undoubtedly, research on such a subject can be effective in many leisure programs and is of great importance. Especially in Iran and in schools, even the sports bell is often considered a time of recreation, and as it should be, a careful scientific view of adolescents' physical activities during these hours as well as in leisure time should not be considered, so it is necessary to Codified training to create interest and change the attitude and tendency of as many students as possible and increase the hours spent on sports and the continuation of their interests should be taken seriously. In this regard, in this study, an attempt has been made to apply the theory of planned behavior as a theoretical framework for research and education based on exercise, predictors of behavior tend to physical activity among adolescents and students.
Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, the statistical population consisted of male high school students in Chalous city. The number of statistical samples was 40 through random sampling and these people were divided into two groups of 20 intervention and control. Research tools include a designed educational package (which lasted ten sessions) and Jandaghi Physical Activity Trend Questionnaire (2017) with 18 questions and 5 components of Physical Activity Attitude Questionnaire (6 questions), Awareness (3 questions), Abstract norms (3 questions), perceived behavioral control (4 questions), behavioral intention (2 questions). Independent t-test and sample pairs were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the scores of students' tendency to physical activity before and after the intervention within the intervention group (p = 0.001). Also, the results of the independent t-test showed that in the intervention group, due to leisure training based on the model of planned behavior on the tendency to physical activity in students, an increase was observed that the difference between before and after the intervention was 8.1. The mean increased from 42.2 to 53.3.
Conclusion: According to the research findings, the difference between before and after the intervention is 8.1, which the average has increased from 42.2 to 53.3. In planned behaviors, a range of individual attitudes changes as his or her awareness increases, cognition of and abstraction of abstract norms improves, and perceptions of behavior and control increase. A person's behavioral intent eventually develops. On the other hand, rapid industrial changes and transformations are associated with many social and economic consequences and have important effects on how people spend their leisure time, which results in turning to cyberspace in their leisure time, which causes many physical and mental problems. Individuals can take a big step in improving the health status of society by changing the mental approach of individuals and the tendency to do physical activity in their spare time. The findings of this study showed that the attitude to exercise improves the tendency to physical activity and exercise. Attitude towards behavior means to what extent the desired behavior is desirable, pleasant, useful, and enjoyable for the person, which depends on the person's judgment about the effects and consequences of the behavior. In fact, attitude is based on the consequences of individual experience, behavior, or surrogate experiences through learning to observe others. Because of the direct experience of a behavior, positive beliefs about the consequences of the behavior are reinforced and then act as a motivation to continue. Attitude also refers to the emotions caused by the behavior, the experience of these pleasant emotions can affect its promotion and continuity. In fact, using the rain of thoughts and discussing the consequences of behavior and physical activity by the target group, and experiencing the positive physical and psychological benefits resulting from it affects the tendency of students to physical activity. On the other hand, one of the important obstacles in engaging in physical activity is the lack of awareness about the benefits of physical activity and also the lack of sufficient information about the levels and scope of physical activity and exercise. In general, it can be said that the implementation of an educational program based on the theory of planned behavior can affect the promotion and inclination of students to physical activity.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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