Volume 29, Issue 3 (5-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(3): 134-144 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1400.134
Clinical trials code: 123653

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Sadeghi R, Rasekh N, Nik Ravan M, Khakcar G. Provide Treatment Strategies Based on Psycho-Individual Mechanisms Affecting Psychological Competence and Individual Creativity. RJMS 2022; 29 (3) :134-144
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7076-en.html
Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Sport Science Research Institute, Tehran, Iran , n.rasekh6663@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1371 Views)
Background & Aims: One of the most important challenges of today's managers in organizations is the insufficient use of intellectual resources, mental capacity and potential capacities of human resources; In most organizations, the capabilities of employees are not used optimally and managers are not able to use their potential. Certainly, an organization is more successful if it has a capable and committed workforce, because empowerment is one of the newest techniques to increase effectiveness and efficiency by increasing the commitment and organizational citizenship behavior of human resources. However, in general, psychological competence and individual creativity are among the important variables in people's working lives and can play an important role in individual and organizational growth. Researchers believe that these variables are more individual and can be developed through intervention strategies. In this regard, psycho-individual strategies can be one of the effective strategies on the development of psychological ability and creativity of the individual that can provide the field of mental well-being to the field of mastery of job processes. Psychological education generally refers to a set of complementary therapeutic interventions that operate with a systematic, structured and educational approach to the development of mental and psychological aspects. In fact, this method takes steps to create lasting behavioral changes in the target individuals by providing individual and social educational goals. However, in general, considering the job pressures and increasing burnout, as well as psychological problems of employees and reducing innovation and job creativity in organizations, recognizing appropriate strategies for psychological empowerment and individual creativity is noteworthy and important. Therefore, considering the positive effects of psycho-individual mechanisms on various physical and psychological dimensions and research gap in the field of its effects on psychological competence and individual creativity, the aim of this study is to provide therapeutic solutions based on psycho-individual mechanisms on psychological competence and individual creativity.
Methods: This research in terms of Purpose is applied and in terms of how to do it is Descriptive correlation type (regression). The statistical population of this research in the qualitative part includes the elites in the field of organizational psychology as well as some selected managers of sports and youth departments. The interview continued until reaching theoretical saturation (10 people). The sampling method was purposeful. The statistical population in a small part includes all the staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth, of course, except for the service staff who are working in this organization in 1399. The statistical population was equal to 890 people and the number of samples was equal to 500 people, of which 485 questionnaires were returned correctly. In this study, three questionnaires have been used, including a questionnaire of treatment strategies based on psycho-individual mechanisms, researcher-made and based on theoretical foundations and interviews with experts (20 items and four components), Spritzer Psychological Empowerment Questionnaire (1995) (18 items and Five components) and the Creativity Questionnaire Randsip (1979) (30 items).
Results: To evaluate the fit of the structural model of the research, several criteria are used, the first and most basic of which are the coefficients of significance t or t-values. If the value of these numbers exceeds 0.95, it indicates the correctness of the relationship between the variables and thus confirms the research hypotheses at the confidence level of 1.96. Of course, it should be noted that the numbers only show the correctness of the relationship and the intensity of the relationship between the variables can not be measured with it. The value of R2 is zero for exogenous or independent variables. In this section, the value of R2 is equal to a strong value for the two variables of the research model of individual creativity and psychological empowerment. Q2 value: This criterion for both dependent variables of the research model is more than 0.15, which indicates that the exogenous variables (independent) are moderate in predicting the dependent variable and the proper fit of the structural model of the research is somewhat burdensome. Another confirms. General Model Fit (GOF): The general model includes both the measurement and structural model parts, and by confirming its fit, the fit of the model is checked. Considering the three values of 0.01, 0.25 and 0.36, which are introduced as weak, medium and strong values for GOF, in both variables, a value greater than 0.36 was obtained, which indicates a strong overall fit of the model. According to the results of structural equation modeling, the T-value of both relationships in the research model is more than 2.58, so at the level of 0.99, therapeutic strategies based on psycho-individual mechanisms on individual creativity and empowerment it is psychologically influential.
Conclusion: Reason for the effectiveness of psychological interventions is that psychological training disrupts the processing of dysfunctional thoughts and negative biases due to metacognitive monitoring and the person deals with it more consciously, so this leads to changing defective patterns of thinking and training attention control skills. , Increases the preventive aspect of treatment. Psychological training involves maintaining awareness voluntarily and based on attention to specific topics such as bodily emotions from one moment to the next. HoweverWhen the mind is distracted by thoughts, feelings, sounds, and experiences in general, the content of those experiences is memorized and then attention is slowly but surely turned to specific protected goals. This process is repeated many times. In fact, by using psychological techniques such as conscious breathing practice, it can be used again to return to the present. As in the technique of pervasive observation, thoughts are seen only as an object, not necessarily reality itself, and these factors improve coping and regulation of one's emotions. . However, in general, improving the mental and physical condition of individuals through psycho-individual mechanisms by creating favorable physical and psychological conditions for the individual can lead them to focus on career advancement, personal empowerment and increase creativity and innovation. Psycho-individual mechanisms can improve the process of information processing in the mind and provide the conditions for improving cognitive processes such as attention and memory. However, it is suggested that managers and officials of organizations to benefit from the psychological-individual mechanisms of employees. However, some of the limitations of the present study include the corona virus epidemic and difficult access to the statistical population and limited research background.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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