Background & Aims: Most of the emotional disorders and behavioral problems due to the unbalanced and changing situation of the family and social life have affected different groups of children and adolescents. Family Health problems and deficiencies, displacement of social groups and pressures caused by them, unreasonable population growth, rampant migration and displacement, widespread poverty and addiction, depression, aggression, and the glories of the absence of a guardian in many families, as well as the long-term ignorance of children's parents about the problems they face, Experience and do not update and Lack of sufficient knowledge about how to manage these issues and many other important issues, have caused the emotional and behavioral disorders of children in this century to reach an unprecedented extent. Therefore, several screening questionnaires around the world have been designed to Screen children in terms of psychosocial and emotional problems and the validity and reliability of the questionnaires have been confirmed. Methods: This study was a test (questionnaire) in which the questionnaires were completed by mothers of children aged 4-11 years, one of whose parents worked in the centers of Tehran Psychiatric Institute, Iran Psychiatric Hospital, and HazratRasoul Hospital. Sampling was selected by a simple non-random sampling method (sample available). Samples were selected from mothers who themselves or their spouses working in Tehran Psychiatric Institute, Iran Psychiatric Hospital, and Hazrat Rasoul Akram Hospital. According to the number of questions in the questionnaire (18 questions), 180 samples were needed to examine the factor structure of the questionnaire. Also, 30 samples were selected from 180 samples to check the reliability of the retest according to the mother's desire and the possibility of attending the retest (which also requires identification of the individual).The PSC questionnaire included questions that focused on internal and external problems and impaired concentration in children and adolescents.The questionnaire has 17 items that are scored under the three headings of "never", "sometimes" and "often". A question has also been added to the questionnaire that includes suicidal ideation and previous suicide attempts. A value of zero was considered for the title "never", a value of one was considered for the title "sometimes" and a value of two was considered for the title "always". By adding the total points, the total score was calculated. Items by the questioner A blank was considered equal to zero. If three or more questions in the questionnaire were not answered, the questionnaire would be removed from the study. The total score was calculated from 0-36. Scores were categorized into three categories: internalized problems, externalized problems, and concentration disorders. The positive items of each category included the total score of each item, which was more than 7.7.5, respectively. Simultaneously with the above questionnaire, SDQ and CSI-IV questionnaires were given to mothers to complete. SDQ Questionnaire is a screening questionnaire of abilities and problems among children and adolescents aged 4-16 years, which is completed by parents and completed by adolescents for the age group of 11-16 years. The questionnaire also provides information on whether the child has problems in these areas and if so, what functional impairments have led to them. This questionnaire was prepared by psychiatrists in the United Kingdom for early screening of psychiatric problems as well as the abilities of children and adolescents. SDQ questionnaire is available on websites and has been translated into 80 living languages of the world. The duration of the questionnaire is about 5-10 minutes and includes 25 questions. All versions of this questionnaire ask about 25 attributes, some positive and some negative. These 25 items are divided into 5 scales. Emotional symptoms (5 items), Behavior problems (5 items), Hyperactivity / Attention Deficit Disorder (5 items), Communication problems related to peers (5 items), Homosexual friendly behaviors (5 items). Another questionnaire used to identify psychiatric disorders in the world is the CSI-IV was the gold standard test for comparing the results. The parent form of this questionnaire has 98 questions and the teacher form has 87 questions. The disorders that are screened are as follows: Child coping disorder, Behavioral disorder Generalized anxiety disorder, Social phobia, Separation anxiety disorder, Major depressive disorder and Depression, Schizophrenia is a pervasive growth disorder, asperger's, vocal and motor tics. The time to complete the questionnaire is about 10 minutes. Results: After translating the questionnaire into Persian and reviewing its content and face validity by 16 psychiatrists and clinical psychologists working in the field of children and adolescents, the results were as follows: They had 94%. Face validity was also checked by the relevant team, which obtained a total of more than 95% of the total face validity questions. In the face validity assessment conducted by ten mothers participating in the project, a total of more than 87% validity was obtained. The reliability indices of the questionnaire and its dimensions were also analyzed and internal consistency or Cronbach's alpha was calculated, which was suitable for all questions and each area separately and more than 0.7. The reliability of the quantitative retest test for 30 participants using the coefficient Spearman correlation was analyzed, which in all cases showed a high correlation. The similarity between the diagnosis was assessed by PSCA tool with SDQ and CSI-VI tools separately using Kappa statistical test, which had diagnostic similarity in ADHD. The similarities between the diagnosis of mood disorders and anxiety by PSCI tool with SDQ and CSI-VI were also examined, according to which PSC was significantly successful in distinguishing SAD (Social anxiety disorder) from CSI-VI questionnaire and emotion disorder from SDQ. There was a significant similarity between the diagnosis of externalizing disorder of PSC with ODD of CSI-VI and the conduct of SDQ. Finally, the similarity between the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders was examined. Due to the lack of a total score in the CSI-VI questionnaire, this study was performed only on PSC and SDQ. Based on this, PSC was able to identify disorders as much as SDQ. Conclusion: The Persian version of PSC is suitable for early assessment and screening of psychiatric disorders in schools, clinics, and primary health care. |
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