Abstract: (8882 Views)
Helicobacter pylori is motile curved shaped gram negative and microaerophilic bacilli that positive for catalase. Oxidase and urease. Fordetection of helicobacter pylori, there are different diagnostic methods with different sensivity and specifity. The best method is histological examination and search for helicobacter pylori in the specimens by specific staining. In papers be said probably, there is corrolation between helicobacter pylori and chronic cholecystitis, which predispose to gallbladder cancer. If this relationship is approved, management of chronic cholecystitis displased from surgical to medical therapy and eliminate unnecessary thousands cholecystectomy for prevention of gallbladder cancer. In this study we evaluated 100 gallbladder specimens from paitients with diagnosis of chronic cholecystitis that undergone surgery. Initially specimens exmined for existence of gallastones, then provided small sections of body-fundus and neck of gallbladder, and after special processing stained by hematoxilin-Eosin and giemsa methods. Finally, we perform microscopic examination with power of 40 and 100 for detection of helicobacter pylori, but not found helicobacter pylorilike organism. There fore, with respect of complete negative result of our study and small percentage positive result of other study, with respect of aliveness of only 3% of helicobacter pylori in billiary secration enviroments most probably, there are not meamingfull relationship between chronic cholecystitis and helicobacter pylori. But confirming of this result requires the studies in different area and counries.
Type of Study:
Research |