Ethics code: IR.IAU.TJ.REC.1399.008
Islamic Azad University, Torbat Jam, Iran ,
Abstract: (2657 Views)
Background & Aims: Addiction is one of the four world crises, along with environmental degradation, poverty and famine, war and bloodshed, and the emergence of emerging diseases, threatening the health of human societies. Drug addiction is a neuropsychiatric disorder that is associated with unpleasant habits and a strong desire to consume among its users and has caused many sufferings and calamities for many years by causing health problems for its abusers. Many people, due to the unpleasant side effects of addictive substances, its unwanted dangers, as well as the legal problems that these substances cause them over time, insist on using these substances and suffer from physical and psychological consequences by repeating their consumption pattern.. Substance abuse disorder can lead to many substance abuse patients with psychological disorders such as stress, anxiety and depression. Nervous aggression, severe mood swings, high irritability, manic, suspicious and risky behaviors, high-risk behaviors such as aggression to oneself and others, are some of the psychological effects of addiction that occur over time. In this disease, the importance of psychological therapies and coping methods (prevention) are considered as basic principles.The importance of addiction in Iran is the highest prevalence in the world with 2.8%. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of hypnotherapy on impulsivity, coping styles and addiction symptoms of addicts.
Methods: This quasi-experimental study was performed on 36 patients with a mean age of 29.38 years with a standard deviation of 3.38 in the hypnotherapy group and in a control group of 30.77 years with a standard deviation of 4.45 from clients referred to the Bandar Anzali Liberation Cottage Camp, with opioid use disorder in Aban to Bahman 1398. Questionnaire compilers were selected by available methods and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The present study was a quasi-experimental study with a pretest and posttest design with a control group. Experimental method is a set of research methods that is used to find cause and effect relationships between two or more variables. The statistical population in this study is all patients referred to the short-term and medium-term residential center (camp) of Bandar Anzali Liberation Cottage in 1398 who have opioid use disorder conditions. Second, they were eligible through a clinical interview based on DSM-5 criteria. Sampling method is available. In this way, among the clients to the short-term and medium-term accommodation center (camp) of Anzali Port Liberation Cottage, a questionnaire was provided to those who were eligible to participate in the research. And then in the second stage for sample selection, among those who received a high score in the questionnaire, 36 people (in a pilot study, a sample size of at least 15 people in each group is recommended. The group was considered) randomly assigned to two groups of 18 people (one experimental group and one control group). The experimental group underwent hypnotherapy for 8 two-hour sessions and the control group was placed on a waiting list. At the end of the intervention, the groups were retested. The method of data collection in the form of clinical interviews and questionnaires was as followsData collection tools, Barat Impulsivity questionnaire, Madsley addiction profile and Lazarus and Folkman coping styles (WOCQ) were completed with high validity and reliability before and after treatment. The experimental group underwent hypnotherapy in 8 sessions of 2 hours for 4 months.
Results: The results showed that hypnotherapy reduced impulsivity, emotion-focused coping style and addiction symptoms, and increased problem-oriented coping style of addicts.
Conclusion: The concept of hypnosis is reminiscent of the innumerable perceptions of non-specialist clinicians. Even the term hypnosis can be misleading because it is derived from the Greek root hypnos meaning sleep. In fact, hypnosis is not a dream, but rather a complex process that requires conscious concentration and attention. Hypnosis is a powerful tool for directing the innate abilities of imagery, imagination and attention. Many believe that the ballinger transmits hypnotic trance to the patient, or that the ballinger has the power to penetrate the patient. In fact, it is the patient who is prone to hypnosis, and the key role is to assess the patient's ability to exploit this strength and help the patient to discover and use it effectively. Patient motivation, personality style, and biological aptitude may play a role. During hypnotic trance, focused attention and visualization are enhanced and at the same time environmental awareness is reduced. This ecstasy can be induced by a hypnotist through a coded method of induction, but ecstasy can also occur spontaneously. Hypnosis and spontaneous trance are traits that vary from person to person, but remain relatively constant throughout one's life cycle. Hypnotherapy can be used as a powerful tool to orient innate abilities, imagery, imagination, attention, hypnotic inductions and involuntary indoctrination to increase the mental health of addicts.
Type of Study:
Research |
Clinical Psychiatry