Volume 29, Issue 3 (5-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(3): 59-70 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 12816937504517126402415
Ethics code: IR.KUMS.REC.1400.580
Clinical trials code: 1

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Azizi T, Amiri H, Afsharinia K. Determining the Structural Relationship Model between Parent-Adolescent Conflict with Emotional Disorder with the Dark Triple Mediator Role in Adolescents. RJMS 2022; 29 (3) :59-70
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6771-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran , Ahasan.amiri@iauksh.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1839 Views)
Background & Aims: Adolescence is a transitional period from childhood to adulthood during which a great qualitative change occurs in the biological, psychological, and social dimensions of the individual. High school coincides with adolescence with personality development. Almost all psychologists and educational scientists believe that adolescence is the most sensitive, critical, and important period of human development. During this period, the person experiences puberty. It seeks to discover its own identity, seeks independence and detachment from childhood attachments, which is why adolescents often experience the "worst" behavioral "problems" to overcome "crises" and developmental challenges. One of the most important factors in the formation of personality and behavioral characteristics, as well as changes in adolescence, is the family. Adolescents are more reckless, emotional, and erroneous than other age groups to transition from parental control to adolescence, and adolescence, as one of the most challenging periods of human development, can lead to high-risk behaviors and influence factors on high-risk behaviors. During adolescence, situations arise that can lead to increased negative emotional experiences and emotional instability. Because adolescents experience negative emotions in conflict with their parents, adaptive emotion management is essential for mental health. Much research has been done to determine the nature of parent-adolescent conflict, and it is generally believed that one of the causes of emotional maladaptation in adolescents is a conflict between them and parents. But more extensive research shows that this relationship (parent-child conflict and emotional dysfunction) is more complex than being summed up in a simple cause-and-effect relationship. The present study was conducted in this regard and according to the extensive study among these factors, the three dark components of personality were selected to investigate whether a logical model can be drawn for the relationship between parent-child conflict and adolescent emotional with the mediating role of these factors. The researcher hopes that this research will be a step to start extensive studies in this field and an introduction to draw the final map of the relationship between all the effective factors in the relationship between parent-adolescent conflict and the occurrence of emotional dysfunction.
Methods: In this survey study, the statistical population included all adolescents aged 14 to 18 in Tehran's District 5 high schools studying in 2018-19. According to statistics obtained from the Tehran District 5 Education Organization, the number of high school students was equal to 55,066 students. To determine the sample size, a Morgan table was used, based on which a sample of 381 people can be selected for a population of 50,000. In this study, to control the sample drop during the study, the sample size was considered equal to 400 people, which included 200 female adolescents and 200 male adolescents. To measure the research data, the parent-adolescent conflict questionnaire, the emotional dysregulation questionnaire, and the dark triple personality questionnaire were used.
Results: The results showed that the relationship between parent-adolescent conflict with emotion dysregulation with the role of dark personality triple mediator in adolescents was more than the direct relationship between parent and adolescent conflict with emotion dysregulation and therefore the effect of dark personality triple mediation. It has been meaningful. Also, in fitting the designed model, it was found that because the value of GFI and AGFI index obtained is close to one, and also, the root mean square of the estimation error or RMSEA is less than 0.08 and in the acceptable range, we can say that the model variables Well fitted by data.
Conclusion: The results showed that the relationship between parent-adolescent conflict with emotion dysregulation with the role of dark personality triple mediator in adolescents was more than the direct relationship between parent and adolescent conflict with emotion maladaptation and therefore the effect of dark personality triple mediation was significant. In explaining these results, theoretical foundations can be used in this field. The overall structure and dimensions of personality are established in childhood and adolescence and are highly stable over time, and recognizing personality not only helps the individual to take an appropriate and informed stance in interaction with others but also in preventing or taking possible action about the occurrence. Disorders and disorders are also useful. Given the significant individual differences in the use of emotion regulation strategies, emotion regulation seems to be tied to certain dimensions of personality; these individual differences in emotion regulation have been examined to the dimensions of the five personality factors model, including neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness, and agreement. Explaining the role of gender, although there are important similarities between the components of the dark three personality traits between the two sexes, we must acknowledge the important differences between these components between girls and boys. One of these divergences is related to the fact that the traits of Machiavellianism and anti-socialism have been considered as darker and uglier personality traits of boys than narcissism. However, current research has shown that even though there is a fundamental difference in the quantity and nature of dark personality traits in girls and boys, this variable in both groups significantly plays a mediating role in the parental conflict with adolescents and their emotional dysregulation.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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