Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-8 | Back to browse issues page

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Khajeh M, Bafandeh Zendeh A, Badavar Nahandi Y. The Impact of Health-Related Psychological Factors on Supply Chain Development. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-8
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6690-en.html
Associate Professor, Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran , bafandeh@iaut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (785 Views)
Background & Aims: Psychological aspects as one of the important issues in all fields of study, has attracted a wide range of research activities (1). In this regard, Abbi et al. (2019) pointed out that psychological aspects have played an important and key role in interdisciplinary studies by influencing behaviors and mental issues and have influenced various fields of research (2). Undoubtedly, in various decisions and activities today, psychological aspects must also be considered in order to properly implement the goals and programs (3).
Today, psychological capacities have led to the use of these capacities in various fields, including supply chain development (4). In order to improve the supply chain, psychological factors must be seriously considered (13). One of the most important industries in the country is the leather industry. The ambiguity regarding the impact of psychological factors related to health in the development of the supply chain of the leather industry has caused that today there is no regular and scientific process to respond to health aspects in the supply chain of the leather industry. In other words, practical solutions regarding the response of the leather industry supply chain to the needs related to public health, especially in the psychological field, should not be formulated and implemented. This issue has caused the present study with the aim of influencing health-related psychological factors in supply chain development to try to answer the question of whether health-related psychological factors have an impact on supply chain development?
Methods: The method of the present research is a survey and an applied type that was conducted in the field. For conducting the present study, among the managers of Tabriz tanning industry units in the country's leather production industry (151 people) by total method was selected as a sample and a researcher-made questionnaire including 30 questions to assess psychological factors (mental health, motivation, social interactions, Social support, self-efficacy and self-esteem) and 6 questions were distributed among them to assess the development of the supply chain and finally 127 questionnaires were collected. The questionnaire questions were scored based on a 5-point Likert scale and its validity and reliability were confirmed. Finally, in order to analyze the data of the present study, the statistical method of structural equations was used.
Results: The results showed that the elongation is between 3 and 3 and the skewness is between 5 and 5. According to the results of these indicators, it was found that the data of the present study had an abnormal distribution. Therefore, variance-based software was used to perform the structural equation method. Also, according to the results of the research model and according to the degree of t-relationships, it was found that self-efficacy, motivation, social interactions, social support, self-efficacy and self-esteem have a significant effect on supply chain development. Finally, it was found that the research model has a good fit in all indicators.
Conclusion: According to the results, it was found that self-efficacy, motivation, social interactions, social support, self-efficacy and self-esteem have a significant effect on supply chain development. In other words, psychological factors related to health lead to the development of supply chain in the leather industry. It seems that paying attention to self-efficacy, motivation, social interactions, social support, self-efficacy and self-esteem causes a suitable procedure to be formed in response to mental and psychological needs in the supply chain. In other words, paying attention to psychological factors such as self-efficacy, motivation, social interactions, social support, self-efficacy and self-esteem can create a good platform in the supply chain to meet the needs of stakeholders, which will improve the supply chain development process in the leather industry. In other words, the final audiences of the supply chain, who are the customers, certainly have needs that can be answered by improving the functional level of the psychological dimension. This has led to the results of the present study to show that self-efficacy, motivation, social interaction, social support, self-efficacy and self-esteem improve the supply chain performance of the leather industry.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Psychiatry

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