Volume 27, Issue 12 (3-2021)                   RJMS 2021, 27(12): 23-31 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohammadi Mirazizi M R, Kamali N, Dawodi R. Investigating the Effective Factors on Total Quality Management in Universities. RJMS 2021; 27 (12) :23-31
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6680-en.html
Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran , mohammadia5555@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2255 Views)
Background & Aims: Total quality management is a management philosophy and constant change in method as well as slow and continuous process, integration of tasks and processes within the organization in order to achieve continuous improvement of quality of goods and services and its goal is comprehensive satisfaction and basically satisfaction All internal and external customers emphasize and at the management level also seek to improve and continuously dynamize all systems and processes. On the other hand, it is a technique that makes a significant change in the culture of the organization, which includes the goals, ideals, way of thinking and procedures in that organization. Inclusive quality management in higher education is: continuous process of improvement and transformation in educational management and manpower, organizational structure, educational and curriculum planning, teaching methods and techniques, equipment, resources and educational space, exam methods, needs identification Society and higher education in order to adapt to the demands and needs of knowledge or parents and society and the quality of educational goals with the participation of all educational members. Farhangian University needs changes and transformations. Currently, Farhangian University has nearly one hundred thousand students who are engaged in educational services on a large scale; Therefore, it is necessary to study the scientific quality of inclusive quality management in this large educational institution, and to identify its strengths and weaknesses that inclusive quality management is a constant change in the way that universities and educational centers can for Choose and be governed by it. The process of moving towards inclusive quality in universities and educational centers and institutions is a slow and continuous process. The condition for the success of a quality management, in other words, the establishment of comprehensive management, is to recognize the components of the establishment conditions and pay attention to those components and try to provide the desired conditions. These conditions include background conditions, causal conditions and mediating conditions. Universities and educational institutions, including Farhangian University, can be successful in performing total quality management when they first identify the components of the favorable conditions for the establishment of total quality management, but no research has been found in this field. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the causal conditions of total quality management in the country's universities. The aim of this study was to investigate the causal conditions required for the establishment of total quality management in universities, which was conducted as a case study in Farhangian University in 2009-2010.
Methods: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and quality and its statistical population includes experts and professors in the field of total quality management in Farhangian University in the academic year 1398-99. Experts were used to select the sample and purposive sampling method (exceptional or borderline cases) was used. In this regard, in a purposeful semi-structured interview with 14 people in the field of indicators and features of total quality management, theoretical saturation was obtained in the data. Based on a total of 14 sample people, 9 men and 5 women with experience Working 25 years and older and in the age range of 45 to 55 years, all had specialized doctorates in the field of educational sciences with a focus on educational management that have valuable information in the field of research and often have managerial positions, policy, and significant writings in The mentioned areas were obtained. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Content analysis method was used to analyze the interviews.
Results: The findings of the study indicate that the most important causal conditions governing the organization are customer satisfaction, professional growth of teachers, innovation in the organization, trust and organizational participation to establish inclusive quality management in Farhangian University.
Conclusion: According to the results of research in the field of causal conditions, customer satisfaction through the obligation of responsibility and accountability, ethical obligation, competitive obligation for customer satisfaction and professional obligation in relation to customer satisfaction and professional growth of teachers through reduction Teacher burnout and professional growth, professional development, intimate relationships and interactions between teachers and innovation in the organization through the new structure of Farhangian University, new management methods, promotion of group learning, foresight and continuous improvement and reduction of development and time costs and Organizational trust and participation is achieved through intimate student-teacher relationships, organizational trust and partnership, collaboration, and flexible management. In this study, there were some limitations such as the reluctance of some interviewees to conduct interviews and the lack of resources related to total quality management at Farhangian University and experts in the field of total quality management. It is suggested to the university officials: while paying full attention to the provisions of the document of fundamental transformation of education in relation to training and providing human resources for education, strengthening and developing internship courses as well as revising in different sections in order to establish the system. Inclusive quality management first to consider the conditions of establishment and provide their realization in Farhangian University and finally to provide the establishment of a comprehensive quality management model in Farhangian University.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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