Volume 28, Issue 2 (4-2021)                   RJMS 2021, 28(2): 68-80 | Back to browse issues page

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Najdsamiei M, Safania A M, Naghshbandi S, Farahani A, Nikbakhsh R. Introducing a conceptual framework & code-sube code models for factors affecting on controversy management in sport (Study on: Team Handball). RJMS 2021; 28 (2) :68-80
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6664-en.html
Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch, Tehran, Iran , a.m.safaniaa@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1851 Views)
Background and Aims: This article is modeled on the controversy-outcome theory in the field of handball championship sports (1). By definition, controversy is a behavior to achieve a result that violates important organizational norms and threatens the well-being of an organization or its members, or both (2). According to the definition of Abdi et al. (2017), behaviors such as intimidation, resentment, and any illegal behavior aimed at achieving a goal are called controversy. In the sport of our country, it is observed that people do anything, including controversy, in order to be promoted, to achieve a result or to win. Despite the efforts of many officials, there are still people who, by creating controversy, circumvent the rules of the sport of handball, the rules of the disciplinary committee, in order to achieve their demands. Sarlak (2016) refers to such behaviors as strategies to achieve the goal (1).
If the competition that leads to the result is not managed tactfully, controversy and controversy will prevail in the organization. As if today such a problem can be seen in different parts of the country's sports. Referees who strive for progress and promotion, coaches who strive for results, players who strive to stand out and reach higher levels, including the national team, fanatical spectators who win their beloved city team, and managers who strive to win. Holding various organizational positions engage in controversial behaviors, and players engage in controversial behaviors in order to earn a national team jersey or score points in competitions. Of course, in sports, the nature of the sport must be taken into account, handball is a very popular and exciting sport, and the personality of people who turn to any sport, for example, certainly chess. And darts are not comparable to football, handball and basketball, which are collision disciplines (4). According to Alias (2013), in sports such as football, where mobility and dynamism are high, natural early life is associated with it, and the new structure of civilization becomes ineffective for it, which also unravels (7), but with Simon (2001) research that exercise promotes some values well, but these values can also be wrong values and immoral behaviors depending on the sports environment is not consistent (8). 
In the contemporary world, despite the prominent cultural feature of sports and physical education, less attention has been paid to this approach and in the process of culture-building, the excellence of literature and education and the promotion of personality are less considered, Therefore, the aim of this study was to Introducing a Conceptual Framework & Code-Sub code Models to Factors Affecting on Controversy Management in Sport (Study on: Team Handball).
Methods: The method was qualitative, applied in terms of purpose and exploratory. The population were handball players, coaches and referees. Sampling was performed non-randomly. Elite group consisting of 5 faculty members was formed. In order to identify data in-depth library studies, Semi-structured interviews with were used with 15 experts in sports management, behavior, sociology and psychology familiar with handball using snowball method and theoretical saturation. We used Maxquda2020 software.
 Results: During the results of the research, 499 open codes, 72 selected codes and 9 selected codes were identified. The validity was confirmed by experts.
Conclusion: The findings of this study were consistent with the results of Previous research (19, 13-17). In this study, by analyzing various factors, we conclude that controversy is not just about attracting attention or emptying internal emotions, but is closer to corruption in the organization because it pursues a goal and that is to achieve results. This point is very common in the country's sports. According to the information collected by the research team, managerial factors (30.64%), individual and cultural factors (25.20%), socio-political factors (10.8%), facilities and welfare (12.78%), education and awareness raising (9.2%) Ethnic and regional factors (4.6%), media coverage (2%), negative emulation (2.4%), and handball characteristics (2.4%) play a role in controversy management.
Management factors include the management of different levels of the organization, which according to the interviewees, if each plays its role properly, can be effective in reducing controversy (12). Individual factors in terms of psychological, mental fitness and physical fitness of each person have a significant impact on the level of tolerance and the way he looks at events. Political and social factors are an integral part of solving individual and organizational problems. Because many of our managers' decisions are based on political and social events, and it is no secret that solving such problems requires strong and stable management. Educating and raising the level of awareness of people about handball team sports and the attractions of this sport, its rules and regulations can lead to peace, especially for families who are aware of their children's sports environment. Also, considering the facilities of the teams, unfortunately, in recent years, it has become clear that the federations, regardless of the economic situation of the teams, try to hold professional leagues, while if the welfare of the teams If the coaches, players and agents are not properly involved, the league will be eroding and will only leave destructive effects from various injuries. The security of events and sports venues should be considered a cultural and social action (18). Regional and ethnic factors may be seen in many parts of the country, but in the field of handball with zoning that has been done and handball in 8 different regions, is managed under the supervision of the Handball Federation, this issue is more visible. The role of the media in following the news of a sport is very significant, the media, especially radio and television, can play a significant role in increasing and decreasing the psychological pressure of a sport. But in the meantime, the role of those who spy negatively, people who for any reason are not able to continue a sport or have not been accepted by the system as those who are so-called poison, should not be overlooked. Spraying causes controversy and affects the minds. Many experts believe that handball is controversial due to its high popularity.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Sports Medicine

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