Research code: 122456786666666
Ethics code: 11111111111111111
Clinical trials code: 1140225
Asghari F, Ghazanfari A, Sharifi T, Ahmadi R. The modeling of the effect of personality traits on sports motivation mediated by the sports commitment. RJMS 2021; 28 (3) :246-256
Islamic Azad university ,
Abstract: (2712 Views)
Background & Aims: Motivation is a factor that moves a person from within and in fact is the driving force of human effort and dynamism. Motivation is the first important step for any kind of action or change in behavior. Motivation gives people energy to carry out activities and guides their activities. Motivation has been introduced as the most important learning factor in many learning theories. Many people rely on motivation to do their work with great enthusiasm. In the field of sport and exercise, motivation as a general psychological concept has been systematically and extensively studied in the last two decades. In a classification, motivation is categorized into internal motivation and external motivation. According to Weinberg (2011), types of internal motivation including knowledge, performance and stimulation and types of external motivation including external regulation, replicated regulation, regulation It is internalized and the setting is integrated. Scanlan et al. (1993) defined sports commitment as a psychological structure that reflects a desire and determination to continue participating in sports. In Scanlan et al.'s sports commitment model, enjoyment of sport is defined as an effective positive response to the sporting experience that reflects feelings of satisfaction, love, and entertainment.
The study of the relationship between sport and personality traits is one of the fields of research. However, little research has been done on the psychological mechanisms of the effect of personality traits on health-related behaviors. Motivation is one of the psychological mechanisms that has attracted the attention of researchers. But the findings on the relationship between personality traits and motivation of people who exercise do not follow a fixed pattern. On the other hand, studies have shown that there is a relationship between personality traits and motivation. Findings show that personality traits of neuroticism, extraversion, openness and conscientiousness lead to increased sports motivation and success, and many studies in the framework of the theory of autonomy in sports have shown a high level of independence of action on sports results and It leads to a better person. Therefore, based on the theory of autonomy, motivational processes affecting sports behaviors can be explained through personality traits. Therefore, the present study investigates the model of the effect of personality traits mediated by sports commitment on sports motivation of wrestlers in Mazandaran province.
Methods: The method of the present study was correlational and structural equation modeling and applied in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the study included all wrestlers of Mazandaran province (about 870 people) and the sample group of 405 people (312 men and 93 women) with a range of 16 to 48 years who were selected by available sampling method.77% of the sample were men and 23% were women, 30.1% were married and 69.9% were single, 54.1% had a diploma or lower, 31.6% had an associate or bachelor's degree, 12.3% had a master's degree and 2 The percentage of doctoral studies were 4.2% in the field of physical education and 58.8% in the field of non-physical education. The Neo Personality Inventory (Costa and McCray, 1992) was used to assess personality traits, the Plitter et al. (1995) Sports Motivation Scale was used to assess athletic motivation, and the Scanlan et al. (1993) Sports Commitment Questionnaire was used to assess athletic commitment.
Results: These findings indicate a good fit of the proposed model and the model of the effect of personality traits mediated by sports commitment on sports motivation of wrestlers in Mazandaran province has a good fit. Neuroticism (p<0.090, β= 0.091) did not have a significant direct effect on wrestlers' sports commitment and was able to explain 0.08% of the variance of this variable. Extroversion (p<0.0001, β = 0.245) had a significant direct effect on wrestlers' sports commitment and was able to explain 6.12% of the variance of this variable. Also, neuroticism (p <0.015, β = 0.123) had a significant direct effect on wrestlers' sports motivation and was able to explain 1.51% of the variance of this variable. Extraversion (p<0.0001, β= 0.180) has a significant direct effect on wrestlers' sports motivation and has been able to explain 3.24% of the variance of this variable, conscience (p<0.0001, β = 0.205) has a significant direct effect on wrestlers' sports motivation and was able to explain 4.2% of the variance of this variable, and finally sports commitment (p<0.0001, =β = 0.374) It has a significant direct effect on wrestlers' sports motivation and was able to explain 13.98% of the variance of this variable. It should be noted that the direct effect of conscience on wrestlers' sports commitment has not been significant and its regression coefficient is non-significant.Among the Neuroticism personality traits, both direct (0.435) and indirect (0.120) effects had on sports motivation, extraversion had both direct (0.800) and indirect effects (0.408) on sports motivation but conscientiousness had a direct effect (0.762) only on wrestlers' sports motivation.
Conclusion: Overall, the results showed that sports motivation and sports commitment can be explained by personality traits. Different personality traits are effective in motivating sports for sports activities. However, due to the limited sample of wrestlers, caution should be exercised in delivering results to other athletes and members of the community who are at different levels of competition. Sports psychologists, wrestling coaches, and wrestlers can motivate people to participate in sports by emphasizing motivational personality traits. Also, further research on samples that are at different levels of competition will pave the way for generalizing the research results to all athletes. In addition, the study of the mediating role of other sports variables will play an important role in the development of existing knowledge in this field. In general, it can be said that the characteristics ofNeuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness and sports commitment increase sports motivation in wrestlers.
Type of Study:
Research |
Clinical Psychiatry