Volume 28, Issue 6 (9-2021)                   RJMS 2021, 28(6): 50-58 | Back to browse issues page

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Ethics code: IR.IAU.QOM.REC.1397.010
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Papari Barjasteh F. Mir-96 and igsf4 gene expression changes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained from breast cancer patients. RJMS 2021; 28 (6) :50-58
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6603-en.html
Department of Genetic, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran , afsuonbarjasteh@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1912 Views)

Background & Aims: Breast cancer is a complex genetic disease. All types of cancer at the cellular level are called genetic disorders, and the implication is that mutations in genes that control cell proliferation can cause cancer. Among the various types of cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer and the deadliest malignancy among women and is one of the most important health concerns in the world. According to the statistics of the whole country in Iran, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and every year, about 6160 new cases are found, of which 1063 die from this disease. Breast cancer in man is about 1% reported in women. breast cancer in men appears to be associated with disorders that increase estrogen. Factors influencing breast cancer include gender, age, race and ethnicity, family history, genetic factors, hormonal factors, childbirth, abortion, etc. Symptoms of breast cancer include deformity in the nipple. Discharge from the nipple, breast mass or tumor, changes in the skin of the breast, change in the size of the breast, etc. The increasing number of cancer patients, especially breast cancer in the world and in our country, has raised it as a health problem and has made combating it a health priority. The following common methods can be used to treat breast cancer according to the stage of the disease: Surgery, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Hormone therapies, Gene Therapy, etc. Various factors are involved in the occurrence or even identification of the disease, including noncoding RNAs as diagnostic biomarkers and prognosis of cancer. MicroRNAs are a group of non-coding RNAs that are about 18-25 nucleotides in length and affect gene expression after transcription. Recent studies have shown very important roles in many biological functions of these RNAs, including their role in differentiation, evolution, metabolism, cancer-related processes and even in diseases such as diabetes and Alzheimer's. Cardiac, autism and fragile X Syndrome One of these factors is mir, and mir-96 is one of the MIRs that seems to be important in this disease. The igsf4 gene has also been investigated as a target gene in mir-96. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in the expression of mir-96 and igsf4 gene in peripheral blood samples of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMCs) of patients with breast cancer.
Methods: The present study is a case-control study, 30 blood samples of patients and 30 blood samples of healthy individuals of breast cancer patients were evaluated as controls. Taking into account the mentioned cases and after obtaining written consent and provided that the personal and confidential information of the patients remain confidential, a sample of the mentioned individuals was taken and the subjects entered the testing stage. After sampling, white cells should be isolated from the sample. The next step is to extract RNA, After RNA extraction, the next step is DNA synthesis. Next we have to do PCR for all the sections and genesAnd analysis them. In this study, real time-PCR method was used to study to changes of igsf4 gene expression and The relationship between the results of statistical analysis of data related to NFAT5 and miR-490 gene expression was investigated using SPSS software version 16. Significant level. Finally, statistical analysis of data with P ≤0.05.
Results: the results showed an increase in the expression of mir-96 in patients with breast cancer, on the other hand, no significant changes in igsf4 gene expression were observed in these patients. Another goal of this experiment was the relationship between the expression level of mir-96 and igsf4 gene. From the results of these experiments, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between mir-96 and igsf4 gene in mononuclear cells. There is no peripheral blood in PBMC of patients with breast cancer.
Conclusion: According to the observation and results, it can be concluded that in patients with breast cancer, there is an increase in mir-96 and is directly related to this disease, but there was no significant relationship between mir-96 expression and igsf4 gene. This data has been reviewed with SPSS software. The studies are not final studies Due to the limitations of this experiment, it is suggested that in future experiments, this research be re-examined by considering other patients or more diverse patients, using other techniques. and it is suggested that they be reviewed, evaluated and re-studied in other ways as well.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Genetic

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