Volume 27 -                   RJMS 2020, 27 - : 86-95 | Back to browse issues page

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Naghipour Ghezeljeh M, Khalatbari J, Ghorban Shiroudi S, Tizdast T. Investigate the model of predicting competitive anxiety based on perfectionism by considering the mediating role of psychological hardiness in national team athletes. RJMS 2020; 27 :86-95
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6584-en.html
Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran , Javadkhalatbaripsy2@gmail.com
Abstract:   (5014 Views)
Background & Aims: These are very important and influential elements on the productivity of sports teams, players, and sports coaches. Therefore, their physical and especially mental condition is of special importance in sports teams. Successful teamwork requires self-confidence and belief in the abilities of the team. In sports, and especially in team sports, like other groups and organizations, the necessary condition for achieving a common goal is to have faith in one's own abilities and those of the team. The competitive and stressful nature of sport imposes many demands on the athlete, and athletes experience a wide range of positive and negative emotions before, after, and during a competition, which in turn greatly affects athletic success. One of the most significant negative emotions is competitive anxiety because it is one of the main causes of decreased performance of athletes and with its increase, the incidence of injury and withdrawal from sports, and exhaustion in athletes increases. Anxiety is a negative emotional state that is associated with physical arousal activity in feelings of anger, sadness, stress, self-centeredness, and anxiety, and negatively affects a person's attention and cognition. On the other hand, sports performance is closely related to perfectionism. The motivation for perfection and its effect on human states and behavior has been extensively discussed by psychologists throughout history. Perfectionism is known as the tendency towards perfect performance, setting high-level goals, and rigorous self-evaluations. Perfectionism is essentially the persistent desire of the individual to set complete and unattainable standards and strive to achieve them, which is accompanied by critical self-assessment of personal performance. In contrast, positive perfectionism is the strongest predictor of athletic success. Psychological toughness has been considered a resilient personality trait in the face of stress. People who are strong in the control component consider life events to be predictable and controllable and believe that they are able to influence what is happening around them by trying. The performance of people with complete control shows that they deal with stressful events and insist on their responsibilities for life and are able to act independently. People who are at a high level in the component of struggle, instead of relying on fixed aspects of life, focus on making changes and adapting to the situation. Accordingly, research in the field of sports psychology is necessary and unavoidable to identify important and influential variables within the individual in order to help athletes perform sports skills and also reduce factors such as anxiety that impair performance and efficiency. Given the above, research into the factors associated with competitive anxiety is important; Therefore, the present study seeks to develop a model for predicting the competitive anxiety of national team athletes based on perfectionism mediated by psychological hardiness.
Methods: The research method is descriptive and of correlation schemes and structural equation modeling method. The statistical population in this study included all athletes of national individual and team teams in 1398. To select the sample, the purposeful sampling method was used, so that among the athletes of national teams based on the criteria for entry and exit of the research (criteria for entry into the study, including being in the age category (18-35) years having at least a diploma, membership in a national team with a minimum of 6 months of national experience, and exclusion criteria are a history of acute psychiatric disorders during the past year and are available as a sample group. The sample size was 300 athletes who were selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study and available. The research tools included Kubasa's (1989) Hardness Questionnaire, Martens et al.'s Competitive Anxiety Scale (1990), and Short et al.'s Perfectionism Questionnaire (1995). The collected data were analyzed by structural equation modeling.
Results: The results of data analysis showed that the model of predicting competitive anxiety based on perfectionism, considering the role of stubborn mediator based on experimental data, has a good fit. Perfectionism also directly affects athletes' competitive anxiety (p<0.05). Stubbornness also directly affects athletes' competitive anxiety (p<0.05).
Conclusion: In general, the findings of the present study raised the importance and necessity of paying attention to the mediating variables of perfectionism as effective factors with competitive anxiety in athletes. Among the limitations of the present study include: Structural relationships of variables were tested through structural equation modeling, which is a non-experimental method. Non-experimental methods have limitations such as the lack of control of some interveners, such as the level of education in the sport, which should be considered. The sample of the present study were athletes of Iranian national teams. Therefore, caution should be exercised in generalizing the results to other groups and other athletes. Therefore, it is suggested that research on competitive anxiety and its antecedents be conducted in communities other than the community of national team athletes (for example, semi-professional athletes) to compare the effectiveness of competitive anxiety on research variables in different groups.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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