Volume 30, Issue 2 (4-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(2): 207-219 | Back to browse issues page

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Noori Sangdehi S, Saffarian Hamedani S, Taghvaeeyazdi M. Designing a Relationship Model between Servant Leadership Style with Knowledge Sharing with the Mediating Role of Social Capital in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. RJMS 2023; 30 (2) :207-219
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6542-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran. , snhrm3000@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (985 Views)
Background & Aims: In expressing the relationship between servant leadership and knowledge sharing, it should be said that despite the comprehensiveness of the concept of servant leadership style within the organization, there is little research on its relationship with knowledge sharing and social capital in organizations. It doubles the research in this area. In expressing the relationship between servant leadership and social capital, it should be said that servant leadership style can affect all aspects of social capital; In other words, by creating mutual trust and influence in followers and modeling, empowering followers, creating their competence and merit, increase the social capital of the organization. In other words, one of the factors affecting the level of social capital is the type of leadership style adopted by managers. In fact, leaders can grow people by adopting a service-oriented leadership style and investing in people by building trust between themselves and their followers, serving them, and sacrificing personal interests against them in the organization's decisions and missions. Through spiritual nourishment, involvement of followers in organizational affairs, giving responsibility to the followers with authority and being flexible and steadfast, it helps to promote social capital and in this way, in addition to benefiting from people with high human capital, Benefit from the advantage of expanding social capital in your organization. The present study seeks to design a model on the concepts of servant leadership style and knowledge sharing in relation to each other and social capital as a mediating variable in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences and thus helps to expand the existing knowledge in this area. N. Given the above, it is clear that "servant leadership style" is associated with the variables "social capital" and "knowledge sharing" and can be a source of positive effects on the organization, so the researcher's preoccupation to answer this question. What is the model of the relationship between servant leadership style and knowledge sharing with the mediating role of social capital in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences?
Methods: This research was method-mixed in terms of method. The study population in the qualitative part included the president of the university, managers of the department, the director and managers of the eight vice-chancellors of the university and the director of the nine affiliated faculties) of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences with an approximate number of 45 people and in the quantitative part included the staff of Mazandaran health services and sub-faculties were in 2016. In the qualitative part, sampling was done by snowball sampling method and 20 people were selected and in the quantitative part, it was done by sampling multi-stage relative classes with Cochran's formula and 323 people. In this study, considering that the data collection method was a researcher-made questionnaire, which consisted of two parts, including general questions and specialized questions (including 95 items). Delphi technique was used to analyze the data in the qualitative part and the structural equation method (SEM) and AMOS software were used in the quantitative part.
Results: The results showed that the direct standard coefficient of the servant leadership style variable on knowledge sharing was 0.57, t value was 5.220 and P-value was less than 0.05. There is a significant relationship between servant leadership style and knowledge sharing. The direct standard coefficient of the servant leadership style variable on social capital is equal to 0.55, the t value is equal to 4.731 and the P-value is less than 0.05, the result is that the relationship between the servant leadership style variable and social capital is meaning. The coefficient of direct standard of the social capital variable on knowledge sharing is equal to 0.39, the value of t is equal to 3.932 and the value of P-value is less than 0.05, therefore, the relationship between social capital and knowledge sharing, the relationship. The results also showed that the value of chi-square in the model 1450/4503, the degree of freedom of the model is equal to 3208, the result of their ratio is equal to 1.404, which is an acceptable value. On the other hand, the fit indices of the main model such as CFI and IFI are all in an acceptable and appropriate level and the SRMR index is 0.061.
Conclusion: In general, the more widespread the service leadership in an organization, the greater the sharing of knowledge and social capital. Social capital also facilitates people's access to other resources inside and outside the organization, increases people's willingness to engage in two-way interaction, and improves the effectiveness of knowledge creation and sharing. The dimensions of social capital, especially trust, networks, relationships and cooperation, with the effective sharing of information, control of information change and reduction of executive and managerial costs, encourage people to participate and cooperate with each other, as well as create and share new knowledge. This, in turn, facilitates knowledge management processes in the organization. To create and share knowledge, there must be a high level of trust and optimism in the relationships of members of the organization with each other. In some organizations, rewards are set or employees are forced to pass on their knowledge to others in order to encourage employees to share knowledge. The danger that may arise is that employees, in order to be rewarded or to satisfy higher authorities, seem to share knowledge and do not transfer their real knowledge and only share some useless information with others. This is usually due to mistrust and lack of social capital among individuals. Indeed, improving an organization's social capital can enhance the acquisition, coding, and transfer of knowledge; Because by facilitating the combination and exchange of resources, it helps the organization's ability to create innovation.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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