Background & Aim: CPR can prevent 25% of deaths especially in out–of–hospital cases. Cases with cardiopulmonary arrest are usually studied from epidemiological aspects. The outcome of this study would be helpful for emergency department and emergency medical services managements. Patients & Methods: In this observational cross-sectional study, 195 patients admitted to emergency department of Rasoul-e-Akram Hospital during 9 months were included. Age, sex, time, place, cause and witness of arrest, BLS/ALS, intubation, transportation vehicle, CPR outcome and final status of patients were gathered in a data registration form. Results: The mean (±SEM) age was 59.43±1.4, and there was a significant difference in mean age between males and females(P=0.003). 41.5% of cases arrested in ED, 14.9% had no witness, 59.4% were transported to hospital by ambulance, 53.3% received no life support before arrival and 13.3% had been intubated out of hospital. The first rhythm checked in ED was Asistol in 73.3%. Cardiovascular problems consisted 42.1% of causes. There was a significant difference in cause between age groups(P=0.000). 59.5% of CPRs were successful. There was no significant difference in sex(P=0.199) and age groups(P=0.746) and different cause categories. Age(P=0.07), sex, time, place, cause of arrest, being witnessed, BLS/ALS, intubation(P=0.76), and transportation vehicle had no effects on patients’ final status. CPR outcome(P=0.000) and the cause of arrest(P=0.009) affected the final status of patients. Conclusion: CPRs were successful in the majority of cases. However, the overal prognosis was poor. The main determining factor of final status was the cause of arrest.