Abstract: (8370 Views)
The objective of the present study was to compare P53 protein expression in aggressive and non-aggressive Basal Cell Carcinoma(BCC). BCC is the most common skin cancer in whites and is seen in men more than in women. P53 is a tumor suppressor gene and has role in cell growth control. Mutation in this gene leads to loss of cell growth control and, therefore, malignancy. Various studies have reported that 40-90% of BBCs show at least focal immunopositivity for P53. This cross-sectional study was performed on 33 specimens. BCC pathology reports of all the patients whose specimens were referred to pathology ward of Hazrat Rasoul-e-Akram Hospital, during 2000-2001 were investigated. Necessary data regarding age, gender, site of involvement, previous radiotherapy and other skin lesion history were collected. Prepared slides were then divided into invasive and non-invasive by pathologists depending on pathologic criteria. Paraffin blocks of specimens studied by immunohistochemical methods were assessed for P53 protein positivity. Intensity of P53 staining positivity was higher in histologically invasive BCCs (Morphea form, Infiltrative) than in non-invasive ones (Superficial, Circumscribed) and this difference was statistically significant (Pvalue<0.05). In conclusion, early detection of P53 protein in primary stages of BCC can help to a better prediction of tumor prognosis.
Type of Study:
Research |