Volume 28, Issue 1 (3-2021)                   RJMS 2021, 28(1): 47-54 | Back to browse issues page

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Akbarpour Sohbatabadi A, Shamabadi R, Safary F, Khorshidarab Z S. Prevalence of spouse abuse in urban and rural areas of Delphan. RJMS 2021; 28 (1) :47-54
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6164-en.html
Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran , re.shamabadi@uswr.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1944 Views)
Background & Aims: Violence against women is one of the worldwide issues, the most common type of this issue is domestic violence; Domestic violence or violence by a close partner is violence perpetrated by a partner against women. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), any act of husband against his spouse that results in emotional, psychological, physical, or sexual harm to her or may result in, affecting her health, covertly or overtly is called spouse abuse. Spouse abuse with this modern definitions includes four types of abuse: physically, sexually, psychologically and financially and is not a new phenomenon that has just emerged in modern times, women have been physically, mentally, sexually and financially abused throughout the history and spouse abuse has existed since the formation of the family in traditional societies. Despite a long history of spousal abuse, this phenomenon, like other social maltreats, seems to have been neglected for a long time until now in modern times due to the influence of The widespread participation of women in the First and Second World Wars, the increase in women's self-awareness and the efforts of humanitarian associations and institutions have led to an increase in public awareness of the abuses committed against women. To guide the construct of the family towards equal rights, and humanitarian construct, emphasizing the role of preventing spousal abuse in the mental and moral health of society, have made a redoubled effort to establish equal rights for men and women. As a subject of this study, spouse abuse is one of the main types of violence against women and aim of this study is estimating the prevalence of spouse abuse in urban and rural areas of Delphan, Lorestan province, Iran.
Methods: In this study 69 married women aged 15-48 living in urban and rural areas of Nourabad city of Delphan, Lorestan province who had married at least for one year and have been referred to Nurabad Forensic Medicine Organization, Delfan Social Welfare Emergency Center and Family Court due to physical injury and violence by their spouse, have participated. They have been selected through the available sampling method from forensic, social emergency, welfare and family cour. After explaining and obtaining informed consent, the confidentiality of information was explained to all participants in the study and after that, they have completed the Haj Yahya questionnaire, if the participants are illiterate, the forms have been read and completed by the researcher and entered into the study after completing the personal consent. Data have been analyzed using descriptive statistics and by IBM SPSS v24.
Results: Results show that the sexual abuse with the frequency, mean, percentage and standard deviation respectively equal to 19, 2.69, 26 and 0.192 has the highest average among the dimensions that have been assessed, at the county level. Financial abuse with frequency, mean, percentage and standard deviation respectively equal to 15, 2.40, 24 and 0.362 has the lowest average and psychological abuse with the frequency, mean, percentage and standard deviation respectively equal to 18, 2.58, 25.5 and 0.108 and physical abuse with frequency, mean, percentage and standard deviation respectively equal to 17, 2.52, 24.5 and 0.132 are other dimensions of the abuse that have been studied.
Conclusion: According to the results prevalence of spouse abuse relatively high in all dimensions, especially in Delphan , thus the need to pay attention to this issue at the county level has been felt. These results can help conduct more specific studies on the different factors of spouse abuse in the counties, the results of this research can be studied and analyzed in two different ways; From the perspective of modern societies, It is based on the teachings of the modern family the results indicate spousal abuse in Delfan city and need serious attention and education because this view considers men and women completely independent of each other who live together under a contract called marriage and this contract may end at any time. From another perspective, which is based on the religious and traditional teachings of Muslims and Iranians, the results are considered very desirable because, in this perspective, men and women are considered interdependent. In this perspective, the woman has given up some of her husband's abuse and may tolerate some of her husband's abuse. Now, according to the two types of perspectives that were proposed, the analysis of spousal abuse from the perspective of each of these two approaches will be different and distinct; The first approach condemns spousal abuse, and the second approach considers spousal abuse to be somewhat acceptable and originates from the status of women and The man evaluates in the family. By combining the above two views, we can reach an average view and attitude about spousal abuse.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Forensic Medicine

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