Volume 26, Issue 1 (4-2019)                   RJMS 2019, 26(1): 59-67 | Back to browse issues page

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panahi L, alaeekarahroudy F, Abdolreza ghareh bagh Z, ghasemi E. The Determining the effect of care education of mothers of children with cerebral palsy on their maternal depression and anxiety.. RJMS 2019; 26 (1) :59-67
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-5313-en.html
Islamic Azad University, Tehran Medical Branch, Tehran, Iran , falaeekarahroudy@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (4239 Views)
Background: Cerebral palsy is a group of multi-dimensional and non-stationary disturbances in motion. Children with cerebral palsy need a careful attention of their caregivers, especially their mothers, in their daily living activities. Therefore, presenting training programs to mothers in order to take care of their children with cerebral palsy is very important. This study examines the impact of determining the effect of care education of mothers of children with cerebral palsy on their maternal depression and anxiety referring to the selected hospital in Alborz university of Medical Sciences in 2017.
Methods: In this experimental, research, 60 mothers referring to Bahonar Hospital in Karaj who had children with cerebral palsy were selected randomly, and then were divided into two control and intervention groups. The education program consisted of 6 domains for mothers during 6 sessions of 30 minutes over a period of two weeks. The training program focused on six areas such as child carriage, different forms of positioning, sleeping, getting dressed and undressed, feeding and nourishing, going to the toilet and urine control which were presented to mothers in the intervention group during six, thirty-minute sessions in two weeks. Depression and anxiety of mothers in both groups before and after the intervention were evaluated. To compare variables in two groups of control and intervention, two-samples independent T-test was used and to compare the average before and after in each group, the paired T-test was conducted. In order to analyze the homogeneity of data in quality variables, K2 or the accurate Fisher test was administered. Moreover, in order to mitigate the effect of pre-test, the average comparison of post-test was done using the ANCOVA covariance analysis and then the results were analyzed using SPSS 21.
Results: The results showed that the training program for taking care of children with cerebral palsy resulted in the reduction of mothers’ depression from mean 26.100 and standard deviation 3.546 to mean 18.966 and standard deviation 3.690 and anxiety from mean 20.966 and standard deviation 2.930 to mean 14.500 and standard deviation 2.788 in the intervention group (p˂0.0001). Considering the control group mothers, it can be stated that the results showed no significant changes in the depression and anxiety of mothers regarding the lack of training in this group. The maternal anxiety score remained at mean 25.266 and standard deviation 2.715 and the depression rate ranged from mean 26.300 and standard deviation 2.718 to mean 25.933 and standard deviation 2.970.
Conclusion: The research results showed that use of training program on how to take care of children with cerebral palsy can reduce depression and anxiety in the mothers of children with cerebral palsy.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Pediatric Neurology

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