Volume 12, Issue 48 (9-2005)                   RJMS 2005, 12(48): 165-172 | Back to browse issues page

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Nourmohammadi I, Ourmozdi M, Hassanpour A, Zare Mirzaee A, Bakhshayesh F. Correlation of Mutations Prevalence in P53 and APC in Low Grade and High Grade Colonic Adenomatous Polyps. RJMS 2005; 12 (48) :165-172
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-526-en.html
Abstract:   (8418 Views)

    Background & Aim: Colorectal polyps are among the commonest lesions encountered by surgical pathologist. In the United States, colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy are recommended for almost all people over the age of 40 years. The development of carcinoma from adenomatous lesions is referred to as the adenoma-carcinoma sequence. Virtually, all colorectal carcinomas exhibit genetic alterations and the study of this disorder will provide deep insights into the general mechanism of carcinogenesis. APC and P53 tumor suppressor genes are the most important among them. The aim of the present study was to find out the prevalence of P53 and APC genes mutations in low grade and high grade adenomatous polyps. Patients & Methods: This study was performed on 60 cases of colonic adenomatous polyps, 30 of patients were with low grade dysplasia and other 30 exhibited prominantly high grade dysplasia.The paraffin enblock samples were selected from pathologic files of Mehr, Hazrat Rasoul and Shohada-e-Haftome Tir Hospitals. APC and P53 mutations in the samples were detected by PCR method. The results were evaluated by chi-square and t-test statistic methods. Results: The prevalence of APC mutation in low grade and high grade adenomatous polyps was detected in 36.7% and 63% respectively(P<0.05). The prevalence of P53 mutation in low and high grade polyps was seen in 10% and 43% of them(P<0.05). Both low and high grade adenomatous polyps showed significant difference. Mean age was 62.2 years. Mean diameter of polyps was 15.6mm. A direct relation was seen between polyps diameter and APC mutations(P<0.05) but this relation was not seen in P53 mutation. Conclusion: Early diagnosis of colonic adenomatous polyps and colonoscopic resection of them can prevent the malignant tumors and, therefore, diminish the morbidity and mortality.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Pathology

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