Volume 12, Issue 46 (9-2005)                   RJMS 2005, 12(46): 267-274 | Back to browse issues page

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Javad Mousavi S, Yadollah Zadeh M, Hossein Nejad Yazdi M, Adeli S. Spirometric Assessment of Patients Having Opium Smoking Addiction and Pulmonary Complications . RJMS 2005; 12 (46) :267-274
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-457-en.html
Abstract:   (35468 Views)

    Opium consists of a mixture of different chemical compounds extracting from Papaver Somniferum plant seed. The major effect of opium arises from its morphine content. In smoked opium use, the vapor of morphine enters the blood stream rapidly through lung and reaches brain within a few seconds. One of the complications arisen from long-period consumption of smoked opium use is affliction with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases(COPD) and sometimes cor pulmonale which is considered independent of tobacco consumption. The present cross-sectional study was conducted on 22 patients who referred to respiratory clinics of Hazrat Rasoul-e-Akram and Abooreyhan Hospitals. Those who smoked only cigarette and meanwhile had no underlying or predisposing occupational factor regarding development of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases were excluded from the study. Those whose COPD was confirmed by measuring lung dynamic volumes were assessed and data were analyzed by SPSS 11.5 software. Of a total number of 22 patients with mean age of 54.8(SD=16.31) years, 17 patients(77.3%) complained from cough 8(36.4%) from dyspnea 7(31.8%) from wheezing and 5(22.7%) from sputum production. In these patients the ratio of average FVC percent value to the predicted value was estimated 78.7%(SD=14.86%), the ratio of average FEV1 percent to the predicted value was 75.96%(SD=17.59%), and the average of FEV1/FVC value was determined 71.2%(SD=12.36%). Of 22 understudied patients, 4(18.2%) had spirometry with normal results, 16(72.7%), obstructive profile, and 2 individuals (9.1%) showed restrictive profile. Accordingly, because of obstructive profile frequency in our patients and limited reports about COPD in opium smoker addicts, it can be suggested that opium smoking addiction may have significant role in COPD incidence.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Pulmonary Disease

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