Volume 24, Issue 157 (7-2017)                   RJMS 2017, 24(157): 51-73 | Back to browse issues page

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Esfahani M, Movahedian A, Baranchi M, Ataei N, Goodarzi M T. The Role of Adipokines in the Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Diseases. RJMS 2017; 24 (157) :51-73
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-4482-en.html
Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran , mt.goodarzi@umsha.ac.ir
Abstract:   (7702 Views)
Background: Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) are major causes of mortality worldwide.  Obesity is regarded as an independent CVDs risk factor. In this article we focus on the role of adipokines which are involved in CVDs pathogenesis.
Methods: The recent studies regarding the role of adipokines such as Leptin, Resistin, TNF-α, IL-6, MCP-1, Visfatin, Chemerin, Apelin, Omentin, Adiponectin and Vaspin in CVDs pathogenesis are reviewed. We searched articles in electronic information databases: Web of knowledge, pubMed, sciencedirect and Google Scholar
Results: Adipose tissue is an active endocrine organ which secretes important bioactive mediators that are called adipokines. These proteins have complex function in regulation of insulin sensitivity, glucose and lipid metabolism. Adipokines are involved in cardiovascular system homeostasis.  There are well recognized anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective effects of some adipokines such as Adiponectin. There is adipose tissue dysfunction in obesity state, which is represented by inflammatory cells infiltration and abnormal production of adipokines, so adipokine balance is impaired. In this condition decreased or increased levels of some adipokines are associated with incidence of cardiovascular diseases through several mechanisms such as insulin resistance, vascular calcification, fibrinolysis disturbance, increased adhesion molecules expression, increased foam cell formation, oxidative stress, vascular inflammation and endothelial dysfunction
Conclusion: In physiological condition, adipokines have protective effects on cardiovascular system. Adipokines imbalance causes pathological effects on this system. Undoubtedly, further researches in this field can promise appropriate strategies for CVDs prevention, control or even treatment.

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Type of Study: review article | Subject: Cardio Muscular Disease

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