Prevalence of diabetes in the families is important. There are difference in prevalence of the disease in different cultures and different areas. We studied prevalence of diabetes in relatives of patients in our country. This study was descriptive and retroespective. Patient selection was convenience. There was 432 records of diabetic patients which were hospitalised in Firooz-Abadi Hospital from 1998 to 1999. From 378 records informations about type of diabetes, sex and history of diabetes in their relative were extracted and analysed with Chi–Square (X2–test). Prevalence of type 2 diabetes was 78.6% and of type 1 was 21.4%, most were female (type 1 63%, type 2 66%). Diabetes in relatives was type 1 47%, type 2 28%. First degree relatives were more involved than other relatives. Parents were more involved than others, specialy mothers (P=0.0006 in type 1 DM and P=0.001 in type 2). In mothers transmitions to daughters was more than sons (type 1 P=0.001, type 2 P=0.00004). Prevalence of diabetes in relative of type 1 diabetes is more than type 2 and females are more involved than males. Diabetes in parents especialy in motheres was than other relatives. Transmition from mothers to daugthers was more than sons (type 1 diabetes P=0.001, type 2 P=0.00004). Genetic transmition in Iranian people is different from other countries and more studies can be done in this area.