Volume 8, Issue 27 (3-2002)                   RJMS 2002, 8(27): 563-566 | Back to browse issues page

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Daneshi A, Mohamadi S, Emamgomeh H, Mohamadi S, forotan A. THE STUDY OF ELECTROCOCHLEOGRAPHY AND ABR IN 100 PATIENT WITH MENIER’S DISEASE IN HAZRAT RASOUL HOSPITAL, 1998-2000. RJMS 2002; 8 (27) :563-566
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-399-en.html
Abstract:   (10981 Views)
ABSTRACT Menier’s disease or Idiopatic endolymphatic hydrops is a disorder of the inner ear associated with a symptom complex consist of spontaneous, episodic attacks of vertigo, sensorineural hearing loss that usually fluctuates, tinnitus and often a sensation of aural fullness. The pathologic basis of disease is a disorder of the membranous labyrenth, due to endolymphatic hydrops. Acute attacks typically last from minutes to hours but symptom of dysequilibrium and unsteadiness may persist for several days. Electrocochleography or recording the electrical activity of cochlea and auditory nerve is a useful test about the function of inner ear. Audiotory Brain stem Response (ABR) is representing the activity of the some part of auditory pathway, that is useful undiagnosis of cochlear disorder. In this study we consider the electrocochleography and ABR changes in 100 patients with Menier’s disease. There is increased of SP/AP in 67% of cases and in 54% of patients.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: ENT

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