Background: Students’ research belief has important influence on their avoiding or doing an investigation. The aim of this study was the comparison of MSc and PhD students’ viewpoints in regard to research self-efficacy.
Methods: This descriptive-cross sectional study was conducted in 2013 on 140 MSc and PhD students in Tehran University of Medical Sciences, using simple random sampling. Sample size was determined by a pilot study and calculating sample variance. Data collection tool was standardized self-administered research self-efficacy questionnaire. Statistical analysis of data was done by using SPSS- 17 software as well as independent T-test for comparison. The 7 items of the questionnaire included statistical and analytical, conceptualization, method and implementation, qualitative research, writing report, skills and proficiency and ethics.
Results: Significant difference was observed between MSc and PhD students’ viewpoints regarding statistical and analytical, conceptualization, method and implementation, qualitative research, report writing and skills and proficiencies of self-efficacy scales (p=0.008, p<0.001). But no significant difference was observed in ethics scales (p=0.176).
Conclusion: PhD students as compared to Msc students had more positive viewpoint in regard to research self-efficacy.