Lens development requires precise interaction between cranial surface ectoderm, Neuroectoderm and interposed mesenchyme. Cell surface glycoconjugate and extracellular matrix govern lens morphogenesis. The aim of the present study was to investigate the presence and distribution of Glycoconjugate and extracellular matrix components.
Embryos from day 11-20 of gestation from whistar rat were cellected. Vaginal plug recognized as embryonic day of zero of gestation. Paraffin blocks were cutted serially and histochemical staining (H&E, PAS/Alcian Blue, PH=2.5 and trichrome) and lectin histochemistry (PNA,BSA1-B4,S/PNA) were carried out. PNA and BSA1-B4 lectins shows Gal/Galnac and D-Gal in lens fibers respectively. Application of sialidase enzyme did not show any increase of reactivity of lens fibers to PNA. Histochemical staining showed the presence of Acidophilic material and neutral Glycosaminoglycans in lens stroma and lens capsule respectivelly. It seems that extracellular matirx and cell surface Glycoconjugates changes synchronous with development.