Volume 21, Issue 129 (3-2015)                   RJMS 2015, 21(129): 58-67 | Back to browse issues page

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Moosavi M, Koohpayehzadeh J, Soltani Arabshahi S K, Bigdeli S, Hatami K. Assessment of educational environment at main clinical wards in teaching hospitals affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences: stagers and Interns viewpoints based on modified DREEM. RJMS 2015; 21 (129) :58-67
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-3607-en.html
Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (6207 Views)

Background: One of the models for measuring environment is Dundee Ready Education Environment (DREEM) that one of its usages is comparative analysis of students' perception of educational environment. The aim of this study was comparison between educational environments of main clinical wards in teaching hospitals affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences based on DREEM.


Methods: This study was descriptive cross-sectional. The questionnaire was modified DREEM including 44 questions that performed in four main clinical wards (internal medicine, gynecology, pediatric and surgery) of educational hospitals by distributing among stagers (N=161) and interns (N=106). Data were analyzed using correlation coefficient test, ANOVA through SPSS 16 software.


Results: The mean score for the questionnaire was 96.15 out of 176 that with attention to modified DREEM interpretation guide, environment was rather positive than negative. Total mean and all domains except students' academic self-perception were significant between stages (p=0.00). The total mean and all domains were significant among the wards (p=0.004)

Conclusion: The educational environment in all main clinical wards had more positive than negative points. Further studies are needed to assess and ensure the quality of clinical learning environments from the perspective of students using a modified DREEM questionnaire. Moreover, comparison between educational environments using other evaluation methods can lead us to a more suitable tool in this setting
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: medical education

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