Background: The assessment of comatose patients is an important part of critical care. Few of the many available coma scales have gained wide spread approval and popularity. The best known and widely accepted scale is the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). The newer FOUR score (Full Outline of Un Responsiveness) provides an attractive replacement for all patients with fluctuating levels of consciousness and is gradually gaining wide acceptance. This study is part of the larger study of Modification and validation of FOUR coma scale. The aim of this study was to compare the inter-rater reliability of the Modified and original FOUR coma scale among patients hospitalized in Critical Care Unit.
Methods: This is methodological research. For inter-rater reliability 15 patients admitted in ICU were scored by 40 nurses with the original and modified FOUR Coma score and a total of 104 pair-wise rating was done.
Results: The inter-rater agreement among raters (P=0/12) was 0.28 (unacceptable level) for original and (P= 0/001) was 0.63 for modified FOUR Scale (good level).
Conclusion: Modified FOUR Coma scale performs better than the original FOUR Scale for good inter-rater agreement