Volume 11, Issue 41 (9-2004)                   RJMS 2004, 11(41): 453-461 | Back to browse issues page

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Fakour F, Falahati M, Zaini F, Mousavi Nasab N. A Survey of Candiduria in Diabetic Patients of Zanjan, 2001-2002. RJMS 2004; 11 (41) :453-461
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-34-en.html
Abstract:   (10910 Views)
Diabetes mellitus is the most common endocrine disease. Because of defect in immunity system of diabetic patients, these patients often experienece frequent infections just related to increase in blood suger level. This study was conducted to study the candiduria level in diabetic patients of Zanjan, their colony count along with determining candida species as compared to healthy individuals. In this study, samples were taken from urine of 227 diabetic patients with strict sterile and standard techniques during an 8 month period. Then, direct microscopy and culture as well as colony count and complementary tests for identification of yeasts species was conducted on them and they were compared to those of healthy individuals. The data were analyzed by chi-squared test and t-test. Of 227 urine samples in target group, candiduria was observed in 31 cases(13.65%), and of 226 sampels in control group, it was observed in 11 cases(4/9%). In target patients, candida glabrata(62.5%), candida albicans(28.12%), candida krusei(6.25%) and cryptococcus albidus(3.12%) were the most common organisms extracted from the urine. In contrast, the isolated yeast organisms in control group included: candida albicans(54.54%), candida glabrata(27.3%), candida krusei(9.09%) and candida kefyr(9.09%). Frequency of candida glabrata was observered especially in urine including 150-500mg/dl levels of glucose(32.25%). Through this study it was found that candiduria in diabetic patients was closely related to the level of glucosuria(P=0.02). In addition, the yeast colony count in this study was not significantly different from normal controls(P=.11). It is concluded that in diabetic patients with good glucose control, the percentage of candiduria will be low and similar to healthy individuals.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Mycology

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