Background: Regular physical activity has a positive effect on physical, mental, and social aspects both individually and community health. This study aimed to determine the effect of educational intervention on physical activity using BASNEF model among female university students Shahre Qods Branch in 2012 –2013.
Methods: In this prospective experimental study, after selection of students girls that had the study conditions from four colleges, educational intervention was performed for 6 weeks that included discussions and lectures, education package, pamphlets and CD. Forty five students were randomly assigned for case group and forty five were randomly assigned to experimental group. Data gathering tool was a three part - questionnaire including demographic questions, BAZNEF model questions (included information related to the knowledge and attitude, physical activity and enabling factor, intention about physical, normative beliefs and subjective norms), and third part that included IPAQ questionnaire (International Physical Activity Questionnaire). After pre-test, the educational intervention was done for the experimental group. Post-tests were conducted in case and control group students’ immediately after training and three month after training. SMS was sent for case group and then collecting data was analyzed using statistical software SPSS. Level of significance was set at >0.05.
Results: There were no significant differences in intervention and comparison groups at baseline in terms of knowledge, attitudes, enabling factors, physical activity intention and subjective norms (p<0.05). After the intervention, the intervention group showed significant differences in terms of knowledge (p<0.001), attitudes (p<0.001), enabling factors (p<0.001), physical activity intention (p<0.001) and subjective norms regarding physical activity (p< 0.04). After 3 months with SMS awareness, knowledge (p=0.002), attitudes (p<0.001), enabling factors (p<0.001), planned physical activity and subjective norms (p<0.001) still had high average score.
Conclusion: The results indicate the effectiveness of the educational intervention based on BASNEF model, resulting in greater knowledge, attitudes, enabling factors, planned physical activity and subjective norms. For a continuous physical activity, the provision of sports facilities suitable for students who have access can easily lead to the promotion of physical activity among students.