Volume 8, Issue 23 (6-2001)                   RJMS 2001, 8(23): 76-82 | Back to browse issues page

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Nematbakhsh M, Rajabi P, Samarian S, Sabahi A, Shirdavani S, Moradi E. THE EFFECT OF LEAD ON ENDOTHELIAL PERMEABILITY OF AORTA . RJMS 2001; 8 (23) :76-82
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-324-en.html
Abstract:   (8280 Views)

 The side effects of toxic trace elements such as lead in the exposed subjects have been investigated in past years. Lead disturbs microvascular system, and changes the plasma level of lipids and lipoproteins. In this research the role of lead in plasma lipids and endothelial permeability of aorta were studied.

  Two groups of white male rabbits were under investigation for forty days. Group I were used lead water drinking contained 54.7 ppm lead during the experiment. The other group had drinking water with no lead. The plasma lipids, lipoproteins, lead, iron, total iron bounding capacity, and calcium were measured before and after the experiments. Both groups also were subjected to determination of endothelial permeability of aorta, direct blood pressure, and other pathological findings.

  The results indicated no weight gain in group I animals, while other group animals weight were increased significantly during the experiment (P<0.05). No hypertension was resulted in lead receiving animals, but a decrease of endothelial permeability of aorta was seen in group I.

  Partial decreasing of endothelial permeability in aorta in lead drinking group may confirm the different effect of lead in peripheral vascular system from blood brain barrier.

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Type of Study: Research |

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