Background : Febrile convulsion (FC) is one of the most common seizure disorders in childhood period. Some trace elements such as magnesium may contribute in pathogenesis of FC. The aim of our study was to compare serum level of magnesium in children with FC and febrile patients without seizure.
Methods: This prospective, case – control study included two groups of patients with 6-60 month of age with FC and fever without seizure respectively .Forty – seven cases were enrolled in each groups. The serum levels of magnesium were measured by spectrophotometery. Data were analyzed by T-test and Chi-square.
Results: Mean age of cases with FC and febrile patients without seizure were 26.3±18.99 and 23.28±19.11 months respectively .There were 24 male and 23 female in FC group , 26 male and 21 female in another group. The mean age and sex distribution were similar in these two groups.
Mean levels of magnesium were 1.96±0.28 mg/dl and 2.15±0.24mg/dl in cases with FC and febrile patients without seizure respectively and there was a significant difference (p= 0.001). The magnesium level was significantly lower in FC patients.
Conclusion: In our study Serum level of magnesium was lower in FC group in comparison with patients with fever but without seizure. .Magnesium may play an important role in producing seizure in febrile children. In future the use of supplemental magnesium may prevent febrile seizure.