Background: Adolescence is sensitive period that form normal and abnormal habits for all of life. The aim of this study was determination of health and spiritual health responsibility and interpersonal relations and predictive factors based on the theory of planned behavior in high school girl students in Tabriz.
Methods: In this cross - sectional study, 340 students were selected thorough conventional sampling. A self-made questionnaire based on standard questionnaires of Health Promotion and Lifestyle II (HPLPII), spiritual health standards and components of the theory of planned behavior (attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and behavioral intention) was used for data collection (Palutzian& Ellison).The questionnaire was validated in a pilot study. Data were analyzed white SPSS v.15 by using descriptive and analytic tests.
Results: Mean score for responsibility for health, spiritual health and interpersonal relationships and structures of theory of planned behavior were moderate among the students. There were significant positive correlations between elements of the theory (p<0.001). Attitude and perceived behavioral control constructs was able to predict 35percent intention of behavioral change (p<0.001, F=62.03 and R2=0.35).Constructs of attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control was able to predict 74 percent for behavioral change in accountability for health (p<0.0001, F=319.82 and R2= 0.74), 56 percent for behavioral change in spiritual health (p<0.0001, F=144.14 and R2=0.56) and 63 percent for behavioral change in interpersonal relationship (p<0.0001, F= 192.02 and R2=0.56).
Conclusion: Generally state of health responsibility, interpersonal relationship, and spiritual health of students were intermediate. Thus behavioral intention and its determinants such as attitudes and perceived behavioral control interventions must be noted.