Volume 20, Issue 116 (2-2014)                   RJMS 2014, 20(116): 9-17 | Back to browse issues page

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Pourmarzi D, Razi M. Activities leading to dog bite incidence in Guilan province, north of Iran . RJMS 2014; 20 (116) :9-17
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-2940-en.html
Guilan University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (5357 Views)

Background: Dog bite is a public health problem because of the associated physical and psychological trauma, wound infection and rabies transmission. This research aimed to survey the activity leading to the dog bite in Guilan province.


Methods: In a cross-sectional study from 1st June 2011 to 31st may 2012 we surveyed 1934 cases of dog bites that had referred to rabies vaccination centers in Guilan province. For data collection we used, a researcher-made questionnaire which was completed by interviewers. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistic and chi square test.


Results: Most of the subjects (30.7%) that were bitten by owned dogs had entered the dog territory. Most of the subjects (70.7%) that were bitten by stray dogs had no interaction with the dog. Differences in activity leading to the dog bite in different age groups, status of dog, dog owner, location and area of incidence were statistically significant (p= 0.0001), but between two genders (p= 0.093) and in different incidence time groups they were not statistically significant (p= 0.129).


Conclusions: Dog owners should be aware of their responsibility for their dogs’ behaviors. Also how to deal with dogs and dog’s threatening behavior should be taught to people. Designing educational content based on the results of this study for dog bite prevention is necessary for different age groups.

Keywords: Activities, Dog bite, Injury
Full-Text [PDF 319 kb]   (2585 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Epidemiology

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